栏目广告位一 |
CNN News:美国新泽西州纽瓦克市自来水铅含量严重超标
We're starting off the week in the largest city of New Jersey, a place where 14,000 households are now being offered bottled water because what's coming out of their taps m
美语听力2019-08-21 -
CNN News:美国蜜蜂数量不断减少 杀虫剂可能是罪魁祸首
Honeybee populations in the United States have been decreasing dramatically over the decades. And a new study suggests that a certain kind of pesticide could be making things worse
美语听力2019-08-20 -
CNN News:美债收益率倒挂拉响衰退警报 道指重挫800点
When a country's gross domestic product shrinks for two quarters in a row, a recession is underway.
Just the fear of the recession can cause stock markets to shudder. On Wedne -
CNN News:埃博拉病毒或将可治疗 两种新药能显著降低死亡率
In the midst of the second deadliest outbreak of the Ebola virus, there could be a light at the end of the tunnel. First, here's what's been going on. An Ebola outbreak was
美语听力2019-08-16 -
CNN News:研究发现摄入过多咖啡因会增加引发偏头痛的几率
Caffeine works by stimulating the central nervous system. It's been called the most widely-consumed drug in the world. But if you're among the 14 percent of Americans who s
美语听力2019-08-15 -
CNN News:俄罗斯军事试验场发生爆炸 致5名核专家遇难
Day three of our Fall production season begins in Russia. Last Thursday there was an accident —an apparent explosion that killed at least five nuclear scientists at a military tes
美语听力2019-08-14 -
CNN News:印度取消印控克什米尔特殊地位 印巴局势进一步恶化
And the first place we're going this August 12th is Kashmir. This is a region of southern Asia. And according to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, Kashmir is the scene of t
美语听力2019-08-13 -
CNN News:内塔尼亚胡组阁失败 以色列将于9月重新举行选举
On our April 11th program, which is in our archives at cnn10.com, we told you how Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu had won a fifth-term as his nation's leader. That would make
美语听力2019-08-12 -
CNN News:博茨瓦纳取消大象狩猎禁令
We start today in Southern Africa. A change has been made in the nation of Botswana, and it concerns elephants.
Since 2014, it's been illegal to hunt them there. Botswana has -
CNN News:美国多州遭遇恶劣天气侵袭 致数人死亡数万人断电
In the United States, the country with the most violent weather in the world there've been more than 500 reports of tornadoes in the last 30 days. That's only happened four
美语听力2019-08-08 -
CNN News:英国首相梅宣布辞职 无协议脱欧风险加大
On Friday British Prime Minister Theresa May announced she would resign as her nation's leader. The main reason, what the prime minister described as a deep regret that she was
美语听力2019-08-07 -
CNN News:印度大选初步结果揭晓 莫迪连任总理成定局
We have early results from the recent vote in the South Asian country of India. It looks like the nation's incumbent Prime Minister Narendra Modi has won a landslide victory. T
美语听力2019-08-06 -
CNN News:英国首相梅准备携脱欧协议第四次闯关
It's been almost two years and two months since the United Kingdom officially started the process of breaking off from the European Union. It was supposed to be done within two
美语听力2019-08-05 -
CNN News:古巴实施紧缺物资配给 应对食品短缺
First topic today on CNN 10 concerns chicken, eggs and soap, three items available right now at practically any grocery store in America but much harder to come by and afford in a
美语听力2019-08-02 -
CNN News:研究称超加工食品会导致暴饮暴食和体重增加
Emulsifiers are common in ultra processed foods, and a new study in the journal Cell Metabolism says those kinds of foods can cause people to gain more weight than unprocessed food
美语听力2019-08-01 -
CNN News:也门内战不休致民不聊生
Last year the United Nations found that 1 percent of the aid that it was sending to the nation of Yemen had gone missing, but a CNN undercover investigation indicates the problem c
美语听力2019-08-01 -
CNN News:美伊紧张局势升级 特朗普发出战争威胁
Two rival countries on opposite sides of the world are speaking out against each other. But they're also both saying they don't want to go to war. In the United States, the
美语听力2019-08-01 -
CNN News:旧金山成为首个禁用面部识别技术的美国城市
Despite being one of the most technologically savvy cities in America, San Francisco is banning its government from using facial recognition technology. It's the first city in the
美语听力2019-08-01 -
CNN News:特朗普签署行政令禁用华为 意在向中方施压
First story, an Executive order from U.S. President Donald Trump that will stop American companies from using certain telecommunications equipment. The president says anything that
美语听力2019-07-26 -
CNN News:全美地产经纪商协会因抬高费用被起诉
The first story we're explaining this Thursday involves lawsuits that could lead to changes in the U.S. real estate industry and it's significant because that industry is v
美语听力2019-07-25 -
CNN News:印度大选即将结束
The end is in sight for India's marathon election. It began in early April. It lasts more than five weeks. It's carried out in several phases across the world's largest
美语听力2019-07-24 -
CNN News:朝鲜遭遇十年来最严重粮食短缺 上千万人遭受饥饿威胁
And our first story concerns a food shortage in North Korea. The countries population is just over 25 million people and about 40 percent of them — we're talking about 10 mill
美语听力2019-07-23 -
CNN News:蓬佩奥取消莫斯科之行转访欧盟 商讨伊朗威胁
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had been planning a trip to Moscow, Russia this Tuesday. Yesterday he canceled it and instead headed to Brussels, Belgium. That's where the
美语听力2019-07-22 -
CNN News:美国对2000亿美元中国商品加征关税 中方表示将采取反制措施
A stand off between the U.S. and China is making headlines on both sides of the Pacific. That's the first subject we're explaining today, I'm Carl Azuz. It's good t
美语听力2019-07-19 -
CNN News:60年前消失的岩心被归还 或有助于揭开巨石阵起源之谜
Which of these landmarks is the oldest — Stonehenge, The Colosseum, King Tut's Tomb, or Chichen Itza? To visit the oldest monument on this list you'd have to travel to Sal
栏目广告位二 |