栏目广告位一 |
CNN News:特朗普承认以色列对戈兰高地享主权 引发多方反对
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: A change in policy concerning the United States and Israel is our first subject today on CNN 10. Welcome to our viewers worldwide. I'm Carl Azuz at th
美语听力2019-05-08 -
CNN News:叙利亚民主收复ISIS在叙最后据点 但安全威胁仍在
Another issue President Trump has been addressing concerns the ISIS terrorist group. We've talked about this a lot since ISIS swept to power in 2014. Its name and its mission w
美语听力2019-05-07 -
CNN News:通俄门调查结束 无证据显示特朗普与俄合谋
A major investigation has ended within the U.S. government. It was called the Russia investigation, the special counsel investigation or the Mueller investigation, because it was l
美语听力2019-05-06 -
CNN News:特朗普签署行政令 捍卫大学言论自由
AZUZ: U.S. President Donald Trump has signed a new executive order, a rule issued by the White House that has the force of law. And it's aimed at protecting the freedom of spee
美语听力2019-05-05 -
CNN News:埃航和狮航客机坠毁事故有相似之处 波音MCAS系统备受争议
Up next, the U.S. Justice Department is trying to determine if any laws were broken in the certification process for certain passenger planes. The model is Boeing 737 Max series. O
美语听力2019-05-04 -
CNN News:新西兰总理下令禁枪 将回购民众手中武器
We're taking you to New Zealand right now, as the South Pacific nation mourns 50 people who were killed in a shooting at two mosques last week. The country's prime minister
美语听力2019-05-04 -
CNN News:气旋伊代肆虐非洲南部 灾区满目疮痍
Next today we're returning to South East Africa, where people in three countries are struggling after catastrophic weather events. Rain and flooding in the coastal nation of Mo
美语听力2019-05-04 -
CNN News:两年内第三张天价罚单 谷歌再次因不当竞争被欧盟处罚
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: For the third time in two years, the European Union is ordering Google to pay more than $1 billion for breaking EU rules. That's the first story we
美语听力2019-04-30 -
CNN News:一颗流星在大气层爆炸 3个月后才被发现
MICHAEL GARNETT: My entire apartment started shaking and there was a huge boom. I was just terrified. I had no idea what was happening.
AZUZ: So if a meteor explodes in the atmosp -
CNN News:美国中西部洪灾已致4人死亡 多州宣布进入紧急状态
In the U.S. Midwest, the north central part of the country, there are states of emergency in Nebraska, Iowa and Wisconsin. Lots of rain plus melting snow, plus a late winter snow s
美语听力2019-04-28 -
CNN News:气旋伊代肆虐非洲 多国受灾损失惨重
Southeast Africa is the scene of our first report today on CNN 10. I'm Carl Azuz. Thank you for watching the show. First, there was severe flooding. The nations of Malawi and M
美语听力2019-04-26 -
CNN News:炸弹气旋致美国内布拉斯加州爆发历史性洪灾
CARL AZUZ: The governor of the US state of Nebraska says nearly every region of his state is dealing with historic flooding.
This is all part of the bombogenesis or bomb cyclone t -
CNN News:供电还未完全恢复 委内瑞拉又遇供水危机
From the South Pacific, we're taking you to South America. Last week, we reported on a rare widespread blackout in Venezuela that added to the country's economic and politi
美语听力2019-04-24 -
CNN News:新西兰枪击案致50死50伤 案发前几分钟总理收到凶手邮件
Investigators in the South Pacific Island nation of New Zealand say they're working to find out if an Australian citizen, who occasionally lived in New Zealand, was there to ca
美语听力2019-04-23 -
CNN News:美国会参议院叫停国家紧急状态 特朗普将否决该决议
We're starting in the U.S. Capitol where yesterday the Senate voted 59 to 41 to overturn a recent emergency declaration by U.S. President Donald Trump. The declaration would se
美语听力2019-04-22 -
CNN News:炸弹气旋袭击美国 美加相继停飞波音737 Max 8
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: A bomb cyclone has just dropped on the U.S. heartland. What that is and what it does is our first topic this Thursday on CNN 10. I'm Carl Azuz. Thank
美语听力2019-04-19 -
CNN News:美国破获大规模入学舞弊案 50人被捕多所知名学府卷入
Fifty people across the United States have been formally charged with cheating to get students into highly respected colleges. The FBI's criminal investigation was called Opera
美语听力2019-04-18 -
CNN News:多国停飞波音737 Max 只有美国加拿大还在飞
A growing number of countries around the world are grounding a popular type of passenger plane and that's the first story we're explaining. On Sunday, an Ethiopian Airlines
美语听力2019-04-17 -
CNN News:委内瑞拉遭遇大规模停电 马杜罗称美国是幕后黑手
To South America now. In the midst of massive protests, political upheaval and skyrocketing inflation the struggles of many Venezuelans recently got worse when the power went out.
美语听力2019-04-16 -
CNN News:特朗普公布2020年预算案 为边境墙拨款86亿美元
In Washington, D.C. President Donald Trump has released his budget proposal for the year 2020. The government's budget involves trillions of dollars.
The vast majority of its -
CNN News:夏令时的起源及争议
It was in 1918 during the First World War, that the U.S. followed Germany and then Britain in observing daylight-saving time.
There's a bit of controversy surrounding who firs -
CNN News:美股迎来牛市10周年 本轮牛市还能持续多久?
Our next story begins with a quote concerning the U.S. Stock Market, "the bull market is showing signs of old age but it's not dead yet." That was a CNN business headline from
美语听力2019-04-11 -
CNN News:刚果应对史上第二大埃博拉疫情
First the Democratic Republic of Congo, a large country in Central Africa, is struggling with the second largest outbreak of the Ebola virus ever. There have been more than 900 cas
美语听力2019-04-10 -
CNN News:朝鲜重建导弹发射场 释放负面信号
Experts say there's been some activity around the North Korean missile facility. And the reason they're concerned is because North Korea hasn't tested any missiles or n
美语听力2019-04-09 -
CNN News:最后一辆雪佛兰科鲁兹下线 通用洛德斯敦工厂正式关停
Which of these automobile brands is not manufactured by General Motors: Buick, Chevrolet, Saturn or GMC? This is a bit tricky. The answer is Saturn. It used to be part of G.M. but
栏目广告位二 |