栏目广告位一 |
CNN News:世界翼展最大飞机完成首次试飞 可将火箭载至平流层发射
Space investors from around the world will probably have a new option for getting their satellites into orbit. It's called Stratolaunch and it's considered to be a mega jet
美语听力2019-06-12 -
CNN News:首次登月最后时刻失败 以色列不放弃计划重来
It launched into space in February and circled the earth several times before being slingshotted away. It traveled a total of four million miles and finally reached the moon, but n
美语听力2019-06-11 -
CNN News:恶劣天气袭击美国南部多州 至少致5人死亡
A massive storm system welled up last week in the United States, a nation that consistently has the most violent weather in the world. When we put this show together, there were 90
美语听力2019-06-10 -
CNN News:印度大选拉开大幕 莫迪面临挑战
AZUZ: Which of these nations borders the Bay of Bengal: India, Pakistan, Thailand or Vietnam? Bengal used to be a provenance of India, and the Bay of Bengal is on the country's
美语听力2019-06-10 -
CNN News:苏丹军事政变 总统巴希尔下台并被捕
We're taking you Northeastern Africa first, where there's been a military coup in the nation of Sudan. Its former president, Omar al-Bashir, had been in power for three dec
美语听力2019-06-06 -
CNN News:人类首次捕获黑洞照片
AZUZ: Researchers with the National Science Foundation, a U.S. government agency, say a super massive black hole is more than a Muse song. They say they captured a picture of one a
美语听力2019-06-05 -
CNN News:以色列总理内塔尼亚胡赢得第五任期 但仍可能面临腐败指控
We're starting with election results in the nation of Israel. This is America's closest ally in the Middle East. It's a parliamentary democracy led by Prime Minister Be
美语听力2019-06-04 -
CNN News:特朗普推翻与古巴棒球合作协议 被批出于政治动机
AZUZ: Under which U.S. president was a trade embargo first imposed between America and Cuba? Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson or Richard M. Nixon. Tho
美语听力2019-06-03 -
CNN News:英国脱欧再迎最后期限 图斯克建议英国弹性延期脱欧
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hi, I'm Carl Azuz for CNN 10. In just two days, the United Kingdom is scheduled to leave the European Union. No country's done that since the EU w
美语听力2019-05-31 -
CNN News:美国和伊朗军队互相"拉黑" 中东局势或再度升级
AZUZ: For the first time the United States says part of another nation's government is a foreign terrorist organization. That other nation is Iran and a part of its government
美语听力2019-05-30 -
CNN News:美国土安全部长前脚刚走 特勤局长也要换人
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hey everyone. I'm Carl Azuz. Welcome to CNN 10. A shakeup in the U.S. government leads off today's show. Yesterday the White House announced that
美语听力2019-05-29 -
CNN News:FDA拟对瓶装水中的氟含量进行修改
AZUZ: In the early 1900s, Frederick McKay became known for his research into what? Fluoride and teeth, compression and engines, X-rays and bone health or telegraph and wiring. McKa
美语听力2019-05-28 -
CNN News:俄罗斯在北极圈以北新建军事基地 同时控制北海航线
We're taking you to a part of Russia that's above the Arctic Circle, a place where Russia has a new military base, one of 475 military sites that the nation says it's b
美语听力2019-05-27 -
CNN News:为保护科莫多巨蜥 科莫多岛将在明年关闭1年
AZUZ: If you're hoping to see a komodo dragon in its native habitat anytime soon, you'd better do it before next January. The government of Indonesia, where Komodo Island i
美语听力2019-05-24 -
CNN News:印度举行世界上最大规模的民主选举
Next story, India has kicked off what's been called the world's largest democratic exercise. That exercise is voting. And with a government that's a federal parliamenta
美语听力2019-05-23 -
CNN News:北约成立70周年 秘书长美国会演讲承认分歧
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: It's been 70 years since NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was formed. The world's changed a lot since then. The NATO alliance has gro
美语听力2019-05-22 -
CNN News:委内瑞拉停电停水 瓜伊多或被剥夺豁免权
Next today, people in Venezuela need healthcare, medicines, water, electricity, education and access to food. That's what an internal United Nations draft report says about con
美语听力2019-05-21 -
CNN News:以色列大选在即 总理内塔尼亚胡面临挑战
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: With less than a week to go before a major election in Israel, we're spelling out its significance today on CNN 10. I'm Carl Azuz. It's great
美语听力2019-05-20 -
CNN News:美国多州爆发麻疹疫情 疫苗是最有效保护手段
AZUZ: Rubella or Rubeola is another term for what? Red gems, measles, Martian soil, or clay. This is another term for measles, a contagious virus that's characterized by a skin
美语听力2019-05-17 -
CNN News:天皇准备退位 日本启用新年号
AZUZ: What is the only country in the world that currently has an emperor? Sweden, Thailand, Morracco, or Japan. Though the role is mostly symbolic, Japan's emperor is the only
美语听力2019-05-16 -
CNN News:俄罗斯军机降落委内瑞拉 瓜伊多15年内禁止参政
Our coverage of news events from around the world begins in Venezuela, where ongoing political and economic turmoil is growing internationally. Here's what we mean. The United
美语听力2019-05-15 -
CNN News:印度击毁近地卫星 莫迪宣称印跻身太空强国
AZUZ: The leader of India says his country is now a space superpower. Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that a missile fired from the ground had successfully destroyed one of
美语听力2019-05-14 -
CNN News:欧盟2022年起强制新车安装智能速度辅助系统
AZUZ: And in three years, all new cars in E.U. member countries could be electronically prevented from speeding. The E.U. calls this intelligent speed assistance, and it wants it t
美语听力2019-05-13 -
CNN News:波音公布737 MAX软件更新及培训计划 望重拾公众信任
The Boeing aerospace company is working to restore confidence in its passenger planes. It hosted more than 200 pilots, technicians and rule makers that it consulted yesterday in Se
美语听力2019-05-10 -
CNN News:英国议会投票从政府手中夺取脱欧进程控制权
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: The same week that the United Kingdom was originally scheduled to leave the European Union, British lawmakers have voted to take control of that process f
栏目广告位二 |