栏目广告位一 |
CNN News:土耳其修宪公投将把国家带向何方
We're starting in a nation that's been described as a bridge between East and West, Turkey, between Europe and the Middle East, between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea,
美语听力2017-05-10 -
CNN News:美国国务卿访问俄罗斯 叙利亚问题成焦点
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: First topic today on CNN 10. We're breaking down American and Russian tensions over what's happening in the Middle Eastern country of Syria.
I -
CNN News:美国航母战斗群驶向朝鲜 半岛局势高度紧张
The Pentagon says it's sending a U.S. aircraft carrier strike group to the waters near the Korean Peninsula. This involves the USS Carl Vinson and the ships escorting it which
美语听力2017-05-08 -
CNN News:特朗普下令打击叙利亚军事基地 首要任务转为赶阿萨德下台
AZUZ: The U.S. government now says it's a priority to remove Syria's leader from power. That's a significant change for the Trump administration. It previously did not
美语听力2017-05-05 -
CNN News:埃及两所教堂发生爆炸 瑞典遭袭后民众致力恢复生活
We start with reports of terrorist attacks in Northern Africa and Northern Europe.
In the nation of Egypt Sunday, bombings at two Coptic Christian churches killed at least 43 peop -
CNN News:参院共和党启动核选项 力保特朗普大法官提名
We're getting started in the U.S. capital, where Senate Republicans have been working to get President Donald Trump's Supreme Court, Judge Neil Gorsuch, confirmed to the hi
美语听力2017-05-03 -
CNN News:朝鲜核试验惹众怒 中美分歧点剖析
AZUZ: One challenge ahead of President Trump and Xi is their disagreement over how to pressure North Korea, and they'll have more than that to talk about. They're the leaders of
美语听力2017-05-02 -
CNN News:特朗普同习近平举行会谈 朝鲜发导弹
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: China, North Korea and the U.S. are the three nations directly involved in our first story on CNN 10.
I'm Carl Azuz. Thank you for watching.
A meeting -
CNN News:美国大法官提名通过受阻 共和党拟用核选项
AZUZ: This is expected to be a momentous week for the U.S. Senate. The Constitution gives it the power to confirm or deny the president's Supreme Court nominees and President D
美语听力2017-04-27 -
CNN News:疑云再现 叙利亚一小镇疑遭化武袭击
Our first story, there's been an apparent chemical weapons attack in the Middle Eastern nation of Syria. We've been covering the country's civil war for years. It start
美语听力2017-04-26 -
CNN News:俄罗斯圣彼得堡地铁发生爆炸 俄官方定性为恐怖袭击
An explosion took place between two subway stations in St. Petersburg, Russia, yesterday and officials say it was a terrorist attack.
This happened just after 2:30 p.m. in Russia& -
CNN News:哥伦比亚发生严重泥石流 伤亡达数百人
Today's show begins in South America, where a deadly natural disaster has hit the nation of Colombia. It started in rain, torrential rain on Friday night. That caused three riv
美语听力2017-04-24 -
CNN News:历时九个月 英国正式启动脱欧程序
Your ten minutes of world news explained begins with the countdown to Brexit.
The British exit or separation from the European Union has officially begun. Nine months after a slim -
CNN News:美司法部长警告移民庇护城市 不合作就不拨款
AZUZ: U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions says that if an American city or state is hoping to get money or grants from the federal government, it has to comply with federal immigra
美语听力2017-04-20 -
CNN News:美军承认空袭摩苏尔 或致上百名平民丧生
We're starting with a couple of reports concerning U.S. troops in the Middle East. First, more are serving there. There's been a battle going on for the Iraqi city of Mosul
美语听力2017-04-19 -
CNN News:特朗普签署能源行政令 推翻奥巴马气候政策
We're starting with the sweeping executive order by U.S. President Donald Trump. It reflects a very different governmental approach concerning the environment than the one by f
美语听力2017-04-18 -
CNN News:强气旋黛比登陆澳大利亚昆昆士兰州 当局撤离数千人
AZUZ: Authorities in northeastern Australia are trying to get a sense of the destruction from Cyclone Debbie. The system made landfall early on Tuesday. It was capable of devastati
美语听力2017-04-17 -
CNN News:英国启动脱欧进程 两年之后正式退出欧盟
We're talking about the Brexit, the British exit from the European Union. The E.U. has been around for decades. It's a political and economic partnership of 28 European Cou
美语听力2017-04-14 -
CNN News:共和党撤回新医改方案 废除奥巴马医改宣告失败
AZUZ: In the U.S. Capitol on Friday, House Speaker Paul Ryan said, quote, "We are going to be living with Obamacare for the foreseeable future." A Republican plan to repeal and rep
美语听力2017-04-13 -
CNN News:美国犹太社区遭遇炸弹威胁 嫌犯在以色列落网
For months, bomb threats had been made at Jewish organizations and community centers throughout the U.S., Australia and New Zealand. And for months, international investigators hav
美语听力2017-04-12 -
CNN News:伦敦发生恐袭 嫌犯或为单人行动
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hi, everyone. I'm Carl Azuz. Thank your watching CNN 10 this Thursday.
We're starting with the report about an apparent terrorist attack in the c -
CNN News:美国发布赴美航班电子设备携带禁令 称恐怖组织酝酿袭击
Our show starts with a change in the air. The Trump administration has ordered that airlines flying directly to the U.S. from eight other countries must keep passengers from carryi
美语听力2017-04-10 -
CNN News:FBI局长出席俄干预美大选听证会
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: First story this Tuesday on CNN 10: a high profile testimony on Capitol Hill.
The players: James Comey, the director of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Invest -
CNN News:芬太尼加剧美国毒品危机
Getting started this Monday, it's considered one of the most dangerous drugs in the world. It factors in heavily to the heroin epidemic we've reported on in the U.S. But it
美语听力2017-04-06 -
CNN News:新版旅行禁令再遭封杀 特朗普或诉至联邦最高法
First story, two U.S. federal judges have temporarily blocked President Donald Trump's new executive order concerning immigration to America. His previous order on this subject
栏目广告位二 |