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Fox News Radio
Fox News:重温经典《星战》原版三部曲将重返大银幕
If Star Wars: The Force Awakens has you craving more Jedi action, you might find some relief this summer…
Fox News Radio2016-04-15
The Alamo Drafthouse theater chain announcing a Star Wars road show willFox News:在叙利亚被捕的33岁自由采访人员已被释放
A 33-year-old photographer kidnapped in Syria in 2012 has been released, according to officials speaking with the Associated Press.
Fox News Radio2016-04-12
Kevin Patrick Dawes was taken after crossingFox News:美国乡村传奇梅尔哈加德去世 享年79岁
Country music legend Merle Haggard has died, his manager has confirmed.
Fox News Radio2016-04-08
Haggard had been battling double pneumonia for many months now, cancelling and rescheduling gigs, HaggardFox News:美国海军查获伊朗非法军火
For the third time in recent weeks, a shipment of illicit arms that originated in Iran has been seized at sea.
Fox News Radio2016-04-05
The Pentagon confirms the cargo included 1,500 AK-47s, 200 Rocket PrFox News:FBI同意为阿肯色州检察官提供iPhone解锁帮助
A prosecutor outside Little Rock, Arkansas, says the FBI offered to help him crack into an iPhone believed to belong to a suspected double murderer.
Fox News Radio2016-04-01
The FBI recently announced sucFox News:卡斯特罗称不需要美帝的礼物
In a long and bristling letter published today in Cuba's state-run media, Cuba's long-time former President Fidel Castro wrote that Cuba does not need what he calls the American
Fox News Radio2016-03-31Fox News:美国加州提高最低工资通过立法程序
Two union sponsored ballot initiatives were going to ask voters in November to increase minimum wage, but lawmakers and the governor said there's no need for that now, they reache
Fox News Radio2016-03-30Fox News:弗吉尼亚州教师让学生在课堂上吸食毒品
The sign in front of the Academy of Virginia Randolph says it's a drug free zone.
Fox News Radio2016-03-28
But police say one teacher, 23-year-old Domonic Leuzzi ignored that, letting kids in his shop clFox News:唐纳德·特朗普警告共和党反对自己
Donald Trump says Republican leaders who might want to deny him the presidential nomination will have to deal with unhappy delegates at the party convention in July:
Fox News Radio2016-03-28
“A lotFox News:美国走路时发短信将要被罚款
The proposed legislation prompted by a William Patterson University study of people distracted by their smart phones while walking:“We observed around 20,000 pedestrians and
Fox News Radio2016-03-23Fox News:克里表示极端恐怖组织"伊斯兰国"犯下种族灭绝罪行
Secretary of State John Kerry announced the terror group is responsible for genocide against groups in areas under its control, including Yazidis, Christians and Shia Muslims.
Fox News Radio2016-03-18
&ldFox News:极端恐怖组织"ISIS"公布美国执法人员名单
36 names of law enforcement officers in Minnesota and the Dakotas and their personal information on the list:“Clearly we in law enforcement don't want this type of informati
Fox News Radio2016-03-18Fox News:唐纳德·特朗普赢得佛罗里达初选
Flanked by family members, Donald Trump thanked his supporters after he won the Florida Republican primary saying:
Fox News Radio2016-03-17
“The fact is we have to bring our party together. We haveFox News:卢比奥表示会赢得佛罗里达州
Marco Rubio is hoping his Florida neighbors will come through for him:
Fox News Radio2016-03-16
“Marco, Marco, Marco!”
Rubio rallied his supporters this morning in Jacksonville:
“We'rFox News:雅虎拟裁员约1700人 占员工总数15%
As part of a new strategic plan, Yahoo is laying off about 1,700 employees or 15% of its workforce.
Fox News Radio2016-03-16
Also planning to shed some of its under-performing products aimed at reducing oFox News:奥巴马提出癌症登月计划
In his State of the Union address, President Obama called for a landing on the moon type effort to come up with cures for cancer, to be led by Vice President Joe Biden.
Fox News Radio2016-03-16
Now a bigFox News:美法院要求苹果协助破解iPhone
The Department of Justice says the court order requiring Apple to help the FBI gain access to the iPhone used by Syed Farook is a “modest” one.
Fox News Radio2016-03-14
Farook was one of the tFox News:极端恐怖组织ISIS成员提供恐怖组织成员个人信息
It's a set of computer files that appear to be membership forms filled out with ISIS fighters' real names and countries of origin and even has phone numbers for their families.
Fox News Radio2016-03-13-
Fox News:佐治亚州保姆入店行窃被抓 但弃婴儿于商店不顾
When you leave your kid in the care of a baby sitter, probably the last thing you'd expect the care giver to do is take your child with her to commit a crime.
Fox News Radio2016-03-13
But Savannah, Ge -
Fox News:美国总统选战候选人展开你争我夺
Delegates are what all the candidates are scrambling for.
Fox News Radio2016-03-13
Going into today's contests, Ted Cruz had 300 delegates, behind Donald Trump's more than 380.
This evening, Cr -
Fox News:五角大楼称美国无人机击毙150多名青年党激进分子
The U.S. military targeted al-Shabab militants in Somalia, over the weekend, with a drone strike, killing more than 150.
Fox News Radio2016-03-13
Pentagon spokesman, Captain Jeff Davis, saying a terrorist -
Fox News:美国宇航员在太空生活一年后返回地球
Scott Kelly appears to be in good health, even though he's spent 340-plus days aboard the International Space Station, in zero gravity.
Fox News Radio2016-03-13
He says he's a bit sore among other -
Fox News:新版捉鬼敢死队公布预告片
The first trailer for Paul Feig's Ghostbusters debuted online Thursday.
Fox News Radio2016-03-13
The reboot features an all female line up of paranormal police, all set to rid the city of the slime -
Fox News:约旦安全部队击毙7名嫌疑犯
Security forces in the Jordanian city of Irbid traced the suspected Islamic insurgents to a residential building.
Fox News Radio2016-03-13
Troops opened fire after the men refused to surrender, according -
Fox News:奥巴马要求国会同意关闭关塔那摩监狱
President Obama wants Congress to approve bringing the last of the accused terrorists at Guantanamo to a prison in the U.S.:
Fox News Radio2016-03-13
“There are people in the Guantanamo Bay detention f
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