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Fox News Radio
Fox News:越来越多千禧一代选择同父母一起生活
For the first time ever, staying with your parents is now the most common living arrangement for people between the ages of 18 to 34.
Fox News Radio2016-05-27
The Pew Research Center analyzed census dataFox News:问题太多!联邦运输安全局高管被解雇
Kelly Hoggan's departure as the Transportation Security Administration's head of security operations comes after a Capitol Hill hearing into the management of the agency.
Fox News Radio2016-05-26
ThereFox News:天然气价格在阵亡将士纪念日的周末前攀升
Gas prices continue to go up.
Fox News Radio2016-05-25
The average price up five cents to $2.32 a gallon.
The rise in oil prices partly to blame:“The price rise in gasoline looked to be over with,Fox News:俄克拉荷马男子承认将同事斩首罪状
Alton Nolen admits to killing a co-worker in Oklahoma two years ago, cutting off Colleen Hufford's head and stabbing another person at the Vaughn Foods plant where he'd just been
Fox News Radio2016-05-24Fox News:菲亚特克莱斯勒因气囊问题或将召回吉普牧马人
Fiat Chrysler says airbags in some 2007 to 2016 Jeep Wrangler's may not inflate in a crash saying excessive exposure to dust and dirt from off-road driving can cause electrical
Fox News Radio2016-05-23Fox News:男子抢劫佛罗里达州优步司机 以艾滋病病毒进行威胁
Uber driver Sebastian Lora is thankful the rider he picked up never made good on a threat to harm him.
Fox News Radio2016-05-19
As soon as the passenger got into the car, the man pulled out a syringe he cFox News:研究发现45%的心脏病会悄无声息发作
A new study finds almost half of all heart attacks cause no obvious symptoms, but can still be life threatening.
Fox News Radio2016-05-18
Researchers at Wake Forest University following more than 9,000Fox News:美国食品药品监督管理局表示1100多只狗误食污染食物
Over 1100 dogs have been killed after eating tainted jerky, with ingredients made in China.
Fox News Radio2016-05-17
The Food and Drug Administration has been investigating since 2007 and they still don'Fox News:世界最长寿老人在纽约去世 享年116岁
Her name was Susannah Mushatt Jones and she was 116-years-old.
Fox News Radio2016-05-16
She died at a senior home in Brooklyn, that according to Robert Young with the Gerontology Research Group.
Born inFox News:美国联邦调查局局长表示极端恐怖组织"ISIS"在美国招募新成员的难度加大
FBI Director James Comey told reporters that ISIS is finding it more difficult to recruit new members from the U.S.
Fox News Radio2016-05-13
Comey said that between six and ten Americans a month in 2014 aFox News:知名披萨品牌抵达乞力马扎罗山 创造世界纪录
A pepperoni pizza with extra cheese makes it to the top of Africa's tallest peak:Mount Kilimanjaro.
Fox News Radio2016-05-12
The record-setting journey taking three days involved an airplane, a relayFox News:FDA就健康产品定义展开调查
The FDA's re-evaluating its definition of healthy and what products are allowed to use that word on packaging.
Fox News Radio2016-05-11
It requires certain nutritional values.
And last year, the maFox News:金正恩表示除非受到威胁 否则不会动用核武器
A hall full of members of North Korea's elite conferring on Kim Jong Un…The title of Chairman of the ruling party.
Fox News Radio2016-05-10
Its Congress underway appears aimed at bolstering Kim'Fox News:2015美国最受欢迎宝宝名字出炉
Noah's the most popular American baby boy name for the third year in a row.
Fox News Radio2016-05-09
Emma is the top girls' name for the second straight year, followed by Olivia, Sophia, Ava and IsabellFox News:宇宙侵略者 刺猬索尼克 塞尔达传说进入2016游戏名人堂
Wow does this brings back memories…
Fox News Radio2016-05-06
I played Space Invaders a lot when I was about 10, an all-time classic.
Now in the World Video Game Hall of Fame…
Sonic the Hedgehog was alFox News:国防部长卡特称同极端恐怖组织ISIS的战斗远未结束
After talks in Stuttgart, Germany, Defense Secretary Ash Carter saying the U.S. and its allies have agreed to do more to combat ISIS:“This fight is far from over.”
Fox News Radio2016-05-05
Carter payiFox News:美国佛罗里达州对抗死刑制度
They want the death penalty there outlawed.
Fox News Radio2016-05-04
Tossing death sentences for about 400 death row inmates, giving them life sentences instead.
The group includes three former Florida SFox News:美就墨西哥湾漏油事件提出诉讼 遭到否决
Tough News for BP Investors, U.S. Supreme Court Denies Appeal from 2010 Gulf Oil Spill Lawsuit
Fox News Radio2016-05-04
Investors who bought shares of BP in the couple of years before the 2010 Gulf oil spFox News:美国最大鸡肉生产商召回问题鸡肉
Do you like wood, plastic, rubber or metal mixed in with your chicken?
Fox News Radio2016-05-03
I didn't think so. Neither do the folks at Pilgrim's Pride.
They've ordered a massive recall of cooked cFox News:迪士尼游轮海上救起3人 竟是美国逃犯
26-year-old Luis Rivera-Garcia, 23-old Juliet Estrada-Perez and 23-year-old Enrique Gonzalez-Torres were all wanted in New Orleans for skipping out on their supervised release on f
Fox News Radio2016-04-27Fox News:俄亥俄州囚犯将很快被释放前往养老院
James Parsons can be released without bond on Monday after spending more than 20 years in prison for his wife's murder.
Fox News Radio2016-04-26
A judge threw out Parsons conviction and ordered a new triFox News:好莱坞著名女星珍妮弗安妮斯顿被《人物》杂志评为全球最美女人
It's not a flashback, Jennifer Aniston or to many Rachel on the TV series Friends is People Magazine's Most Beautiful Woman of 2016.
Fox News Radio2016-04-22
When she got the news, Aniston recalling:
&Fox News:美国变性学生状告学校设立单独卫生间
A federal appeals panel in Virginia says the Gloucester County, Virginia, school board discriminated against a transgendered teen boy when not letting the student use the boys&rsqu
Fox News Radio2016-04-21Fox News:亚马逊将在西雅图市区设立流浪者临时避难所
Amazon.com, the online retailer know for selling nearly everything, is giving the homeless something very valuable, a place to live.
Fox News Radio2016-04-19
The company's offering a building it ownFox News:完美谢幕 科比最后一战创多项纪录
He came into the NBA in 1996, drafted in the first round as a 13th pick: “The Charlotte Hornets select Kobe Bryant.”
Fox News Radio2016-04-18
He started off a Hornet, but would go on to become a Laker
栏目广告位二 |