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Well thanks.Thanks a lot.Thank you very much.Thank you very much.Thank you so much.

非常感谢 太感谢了 谢谢 再次感谢 谢谢各位

Hey Twich, how are you?I am awesome, how are you?I'm really good. - Good.

特维奇 你好吗 棒呆了 你呢 很不错啊-那就好

Tell me what's new in your life. 


Well, I mean everything is great these past, 


Well, couple days ago,my wife and I took our daughter Wesley and her best friend Presley,

几天前 我和我老婆带着女儿韦斯利 还有她朋友普莱斯利 

roller skating. - Wesley and Presley?-Wesley and Presley. 

滑旱冰去了 -韦斯利和普莱斯利 韦斯利和普莱斯利

It is cute, is that? Absolutely.And we took them roller skating.

超Q有木有 必须有 我们带着她俩滑旱冰去了

I haven't been roller skating for like fifteen years

I mean, but it's still just its fun. 


But as an adult, you are committed not to fall, right? 

但是 这么大的人了哪能一个劲儿摔跤呢 对不

So, as you were going around the rink. 


You know, which the little ones,when they start warbling, 

看到那些小朋友们 颤颤巍巍快要摔倒的时候

you have to make a choice, you know. 


Because you are not go down with them. 


No. So it's like, you know, 

肯定不想 -所以你懂的

I'm, I'm gonna pull you up or like I'll let you drop, 

我要么把你拉起来 要么就让你摔

I'll be right back around to get you in just a second. 


You know, I mean, I choose the latter, I just, I just went ahead and let them fall, 

我选择了后者 我索性不管了让她们摔倒

I'll be right back. - Right. 

老爹马上回来 -懂

And it's a good exercise, too.It's a very good exercise. 

滑旱冰可锻炼身体了 那必须 超屌

Do you skate?I never, I don't know how to skate, no.

你也滑吗 我从没滑过 完全不会

You not skate?No. Never did learn.Never learnt how to...Too late now.Okay.

你不滑冰啊 不 从没学过 从没学过 现在学也晚了 好伐