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and have you met Charlie before have you met him.I haven't met him at all

你之前见过Charlie吗 我没有遇到过他

he twittered at me and said very nice things and was like hey you got the right guy for the job

他twitter上加了我 并说了些很好听的话 比如说 找对了人做这份工作

and said really nice things.I've actually never met the guy I'm sure he's very nice

说了些很令人愉快的话 但是我从来没见过他 我相信他人一定很好相处

I know his brother pretty well and Emilio directed a movie that I did Emilio is great,but I never I don't know

我跟他哥哥蛮熟的 Emilio执导了我以前拍的一部电影 他很棒 但不知为什么从未见过Charlie


He seems to be rooting for you.I think a lot of people are and a lot of people are happy that the show is back on the air


他好像非常支持你 我想很多人都支持你 观众们也很开心这个剧重返荧屏了


so you and Demi are about to celebrate your ninth wedding anniversary,nine years together


你跟Demi准备庆祝你们的结婚九周年纪念日 是在一起九年吧


no we've been together for eight and a half years and it's our sixth wedding anniversary


不 我们在一起八年半 这是我们结婚的六周年纪念

sixth wedding anniversary,now you got to be romantic.you actually were at our anniversary party celebrating


六周年纪念 你可得浪漫点啊 你参加过我的结婚纪念派对吧


It was amazing.It was a good party.It was incredible.It was a wonderful party.I played football


非常棒的派对 相当不错的派对 不可思议 很精彩的派对 我还踢了足球


He is so good your arm is like you actually,you could be a football player


你很厉害 你的手臂 你完全能当个足球运动员


I could be a football player,you really could,but I'm not


我可以当个足球运动员的 你真的可以 可惜我不是


oh man and everybody was rooting for shirts and skins to be happening soon


有你的 每个人准备为你脱掉衣服踢球而喝彩


cause it was really a good game.Didn't happen,didn't happen it was a good football game


那可真是个很酷的运动 那没有发生 没发生 那场足球比赛很不错


but anyway what is the sixth anniversary present what is it.Candy Candy that's what I heard


不管怎样 六周年结婚纪念的礼物是什么 糖果 我也听说是糖果


It's sort of like downfall like you go for a wood,wood you can sort of come up with something creative like wood things


这有点掉价啊 像得到一块木头那样无趣 就算是木头 也可以有点创意把它整成木制工艺品