


Idiom: throw someone a bone

Meaning:give someone a small reward or compliment;

从字面上看意思是丢给人一根骨头。比方说,你丢一根不带肉的光溜溜的骨头给一只饿得发慌的狗,能满足它的食欲吗? 当然不行,因为它盼望的是一大碗肉。所以 throw someone a bone 的意思就是“表面的恩赐;甜头”。


Usage note:When you throw a dog a bone, it makes that dog very happy. But it probably isn't a big deal for you. If you hadn't given the bone to the dog, you probably would've just thrown it in the trash.

1. Let's invite Haley to the party. That poor girl needs someone to throw her a bone.

2. The company gave another man the promotion Bill expected. But they threw him a bone—they sent him out to head a branch office way off in Iowa.