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BBC都市掠影:Oxford Street 牛津街



The script of this programme 本节目台词  

Andrea: Which is the most popular?
Jean: The busiest?

Andrea: And the most crowded shopping street in the whole of the UK?

Jean: 那当然要数伦敦的牛津街了


You can get anything at Oxford Street. Anything you might want you can get there.

 Andrea: Hello, I’m Andrea Rose.

Jean: 大家好,我是董征。在我们今天的BBC Learning English节目当中,我们回来给大家好好介绍一下伦敦最著名的 Oxford Street牛津街。

Andrea: We met up with Eve Kutner who used to live in the UK but who now lives in Paris, in France. When she comes home for her holiday, Oxford Street is one of the first places she heads for.

Jean: To head for something – 就是直奔某个地方

Andrea: Here’s Eve describing what Oxford Street is like.


It’s a very long straight road with lots of red double-decker buses going up and down all the time. Lots of noise, people milling about. It’s just very intense. You have to be brave and just walk through otherwise you’ll get crushed.

Jean: Eve她说这条Oxford Street是一条又长又直的街道。而且街上总有很多的英国双层大巴。

Andrea: On Oxford Street there are always many people milling or wandering about. But you’d better be careful otherwise you might get crushed or squashed.

Jean: Eve说在牛津街购物感觉非常激烈和热烈– intense. 因为在这里购物的人都是购物热情相当之高的。

Andrea: But Oxford Street wasn’t always a shopping street. From the 12th to the 18th centuries the street was well-known as the route prisoners were taken on their way to being executed or killed.

Jean: How awful. 奇怪的是以前的绞刑架就搭在牛津街一头的Marble Arch大理石拱门,而这里却正是Eve最喜欢的购物区!


One of my favourite stops when I come to London is Marks and Spencers. I love the big ‘Marks’ up at Marble Arch.

Andrea: Marks is short for Marks and Spencer and it’s one of Eve’s favourite shops on Oxford Street.

Jean: 这里是Eve购物的必到一站A stop

Andrea: In fact Marks and Spencer is exactly where the old Pantheon used to be in the 18th century.

Jean: 这条街道曾经以那里的杂耍娱乐演出而闻名,比如斗老虎 tiger-baiting

Andrea: Fetes or fairs

Jean: 还有masquerades, 就是假面化妆舞会。

Andrea: For Eve, one of her earliest memories of coming to Oxford Street was when she was a child and visited the street with her parents.