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BBC都市掠影:Portobello Market 波多贝露二手市场



The script of this programme 本节目台词  

Helen: This street is about a mile long.
Zoë: It’s full of stalls.

Helen: And it’s one of the best known street markets in the UK.

Zoë: 这条街就是伦敦的Portobello Market, 真正的street market. 市场。

Helen: Hello, I’m Helen. Welcome to On the Town from BBC Learning English.

Zoë: 大家好,我是刘佳。在我们今天的BBC Learning English节目当中,我们回来给大家好好介绍一下伦敦市中心最有名的二手货市场Portobello Market 波多贝露市场。

Helen: What does Portobello Market mean to people? Here’s what one of them had to say.


Portobello Road Market is a very lively, very vibrant, quite raw, quite over priced, very multi cultural, very ethnic, long winding road, where you can buy anything, providing it’s old and second hand.

Zoë+Helen: 这位先生说到点上了。他用了很多个非常来形容波多贝露市集的特点。非常热闹充满了生气 (very lively),有着动感(very vibrant),比较原始 (quite raw), 多元文化 (multicultural ), 民族色彩 (ethnic)。 不过他也觉得波多贝露市集上有的东西标价过高 (overpriced)。 最重要的特点是你在这儿什么东西都能买到 (you can buy anything),只要是二手旧货 (that’s right, this is a market for old and second hand goods.)


Portobello Road Market is a very lively, very vibrant, quite raw, quite over priced, very multi cultural, very ethnic, long winding road, where you can buy anything, providing it’s old and second hand.

Helen: The market has lots of stalls selling all kinds of things.

Zoë: Stall 就是小摊,这些小摊虽然地方不大,可能只有几平米,可是也都挂满了各种各样稀奇古怪的东西。

Helen: Jonathan has an antique map stall in the Portobello market. So what sort of unique interesting things can you find at the market? Jonathan gave us some ideas.