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News Plus慢速英语:习近平主席提出中国梦概念 国务院决定企业退休金再提高10%



This is News Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing. Here is the news.
Since the country's new leadership was announced one year ago, China has been embracing great changes as it sets out to realize a dream of national revival.
In November 2012, two weeks after the party's new leadership took office, top party officials paid a visit to the National Museum of China and watched an exhibition entitled "The Road toward Renewal."
During this visit, Chinese President Xi Jinping first brought up the concept of the "Chinese dream" which repeatedly appeared in his speeches later and has been considered the new leadership's mission and duty.
China's national revival was embodied by two major goals. One is to complete the building of "a moderately prosperous society in all respects" by 2021, the party's centenary.
The other is to turn China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious by 2049, when China marks its centennial.
They are tough tasks for a country of 1.3 billion people, of whom about 100 million are still living below the poverty line.

This is News Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing.
The State Council, China's Cabinet, will increase retirees' pensions by 10 percent.
The move will benefit more than 70 million people who have retired from domestic enterprises.
The State Council has urged government departments to reform their endowment insurance and pension systems.
The Cabinet has also pledged to improve China's social assistance system, which helps disadvantaged groups.
When it is revamped, the social assistance system will offer financial aid that will meet the standards of living of the disadvantaged groups.
The central government has allocated about 100 billion yuan, or about 16 billion US dollars, to help the needy groups.
The local authorities have been urged to make sure the money will be given to the needy in a timely manner. The noNPRofit organizations have also been encouraged to take part in the relief effort.