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News Plus慢速英语:2014年铁路固定资产投资超6千亿元 熊猫烧香制造者涉网络赌博再获刑



More than 6,600 kilometers of new rail lines will be built in China this year.
A leading railway official says more than 600 billion yuan, or about 100 billion U.S. dollars will be allocated as fixed assets investment in the rail sector.
The new railways will be mainly in the country's underdeveloped central and western regions.
China has speeded up its railway construction since China Railway Corporation was founded last March.
A total of about 50 new railway projects are under construction with fixed assets investment of some 700 billion yuan, or more than 100 billion US dollars.
Less than 6,000 kilometers of new lines have been put into operation.
By the end of last year, China's railways in operation exceeded 100,000 kilometers, with 10 percent for high-speed trains.
The corporation welcomes more private capital in railway construction.
This is News Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing.

Two Chinese hackers who previously imprisoned for creating the notorious computer virus "joss-stick burning panda" have been sentenced to jail terms for running online gambling games.
Zhang Shun and Li Jun have been sentenced to five and three years in prison respectively, as well as been fined 200,000 and 80,000 yuan, or about 33,000 and 13,000 U.S. dollars, respectively.
A court in Li-shui City in east China's Zhejiang Province found the two guilty of running a gambling operation.
The two criminals were creators of "joss-stick burning panda" that damaged millions of computers in 2006 and 2007.
The virus changed icons on desktops into cartoon pandas holding three burning joss-sticks. It wreaked havoc by deleting files, damaging programs and stealing information from gaming and messenger accounts.
The two were imprisoned for two and three years for their crimes.