


Things could get much worse should sanctions expand in scope to cover energy purchases or if Russia retaliates against them by reducing its exports.


JPMorgan Chase projects that a sustained shut-off of the Russian oil supply might cause prices to rise to $150 per barrel, a level sufficient to knock 1.6% off global gdp while raising consumer prices by another 2%.


The stagflationary shock would carry echoes of the Yom Kippur war of 1973, which sparked the first of the two energy crises of that decade.


It greatly worsened an existing inflation problem caused in part by the collapse earlier that year of the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates.


Today much pricier energy would be layered atop the inflation caused by the pandemic and the associated stimulus.


If the oil and gas keep flowing, the existing increases in their respective prices will still make life uncomfortable for central banks, who were anyway raising or preparing to raise interest rates.


They usually tolerate inflation caused by expensive energy. It tends to quickly dissipate, or even go into reverse.


But recently they have worried that the persistence of high inflation since last summer might lead companies to think they should continue to increase prices at a rapid pace and workers to continue to ask for higher wages.


Inflation, in other words, may have taken on a momentum of its own. Further increases in energy prices can only heighten that danger—while adding to the squeeze on growth that higher interest rates bring about.


At present markets are priced for a fairly conventional policy response.


Since February 1st investors’ inflation expectations, as revealed by the price of swaps, have risen sharply at a one-year horizon for Britain, America and the euro zone.


Yet expectations for longer-term inflation, as measured by long-dated forward swaps, have not changed much.


Projections of the ecb’s policy rate at the end of the year have barely changed.


Investors have priced in another quarter-of-a-percentage-point rise in interest rates this year in both Britain and America.


On March 2nd Jerome Powell, chairman of the Federal reserve, indicated that it would still raise rates.


There have, however, been sharp movements in bond yields at longer horizons.


In mid-February yields on five-year German government bonds had been in positive territory for the first time since 2018. They have since fallen to about -0.25%.


On March 1st and 2nd the yield on an American ten-year Treasury bond fell from nearly 2% to 1.7%, a greater fall than in any two-day trading period since March 2020, before recovering slightly to 1.9% the next day.


In other words, investors are betting that today’s inflation, even once exacerbated by the war in Ukraine, will be temporary—and that over the long term interest rates are likely to be a bit lower than on past projections. But that hardly means markets are sanguine.


In recent years some scholars have argued that low long-term real interest rates reflect in part the impulse to hoard safe assets as tail risks—rare but highly costly events—grow more likely.


After two years of a pandemic and with war raging in Europe, that thesis has never seemed so apposite.
