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Ultimately, it's all with the goal of trying to create more wildlife inclusive cities, we are sort of also united by our desire to make cities part of the solution to the biodiversity crisis, and to help reduce human wildlife conflict and increase human wildlife coexistence in all of the massively urbanizing areas around the world.


In Chicago, Magle and his team have been watching their city's wildlife for about 10 years.


All together, they have over 100 camera traps set up across different types of urban environments–from the downtown Loop and city parks to nature preserves and suburb golf courses.


And during times of extreme heat--


We do definitely seem to see reduced movement, it seems like when it gets very hot, animals just sort of hunker down where they are.


It's probably so energetically difficult to move around when it's so hot.


Although this coping mechanism works for a short term spike in temp, it's not ideal over a longer period because it means less time to search for food or a new mate.


And as Magle and his network of urban researchers look toward the future and climate change projections, they anticipate bigger shifts.


Temps everywhere are projected to warm, so wildlife in urban settings and beyond will likely have to shift their normal territories a bit further north to where it feels more comfortable to what they're already used to.


We don't have armadillos in Chicago, but we have them in the southern part of the state.


And they seem to be migrating north.


And so I'm starting to have to take questions about what we are going to do if there's armadillos in Chicago, right, which is unimaginable, except on a planet that is warming.


There's a million other questions, I think like that, as a lot of these species, at least in this hemisphere make these kinds of northward shifts, they're going to come into contact with cities in places we didn't expect.

我认为还有很多其他类似的问题, 至少在这个半球,很多这样的物种会向北迁移,它们会在我们意想不到的地方接触到城市。

Only time will tell how our urban wildlife reacts to these longer term shifts in temperature.


For now, it sounds like urban critters–so long as they're healthy–are totally capable of handling a few days of extreme heat here and there.


Thanks for listening for Scientific American's 60-Second Science, I’m Ashleigh Papp.
