resident – n. someone who lives in a particular place
deport – v. to force (a person who is not a citizen) to leave a country
fingerprints – n. the mark that is made by pressing the tip of a finger on a surface; a mark of this kind made in ink for the purpose of identifying a person
handcuffs – n. a set of two metal rings that are joined and locked around a person’s wrists
status – n. the current state of someone or something -- usually singular
abandon – v. to leave and never return to (someone who needs protection or help)
cognitive – adj. of, relating to, or involving conscious mental activities (such as thinking, understanding, learning, and remembering)
impairment – n. a condition in which a part of your body or mind is damaged and does not work well
unreliable – adj. not able to be trusted to do or provide what is needed or promised; not believable or trustworthy
bail – n. an amount of money given to a court to allow a prisoner to leave jail and return later for a trial