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国际英语新闻:Roundup: Optimism prevails in Sudan ahead of constitutional declaration meeting


KHARTOUM, Aug. 2 (Xinhua) -- Optimism is prevailing in Sudan ahead of a meeting on Friday evening between Sudan's Transitional Military Council (TMC) and the opposition Freedom and Change Alliance regarding the constitutional declaration.

It is widely believed that Friday's new round of talks would witness the signing of the constitutional declaration between the two sides.

After a meeting which began on Thursday and ended on Friday morning, the negotiating parties gave positive statements, indicating the possibility of reaching consensus over the constitutional document.

Earlier in the day, the African Union Envoy to Sudan Mohamed Hacen Lebatt told reporters that the meeting had made great strides over the constitutional declaration and agreed on most of the items of the constitutional declaration.

Commending the national spirit which characterized the talks, he promised the Sudanese people that a comprehensive agreement between the two parties is imminent.

Ibrahim Al-Amin, a leading member in the Freedom and Change Alliance, also told reporters that the two sides had reached consensus over most of the constitutional declaration.

"On Saturday, you will hear good news about the results of these talks which will lead us to forming a civilian government," he said.

Meanwhile, the Sudan Call Forces, one of the main components of the Freedom and Change Alliance, highlighted in a statement the importance of joint work to quickly endorse the constitutional declaration and give priority to the establishment of the sovereignty council and appointment of the prime minister.

The constitutional document includes powers of the sovereignty council and the prime minister during the transitional period.

On July 17, the TMC and the opposition alliance signed a political declaration which determines the political structures of the transitional period.

It stipulates the establishment of a joint sovereignty council of 11 members, including five civilians, five military representatives and one civilian to be selected through mutual consultation.