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国际英语新闻:ASEAN Plus Three countries pledge to jointly fight COVID-19, keep markets open


HANOI, April 14 (Xinhua) -- The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, China, Japan and South Korea (ASEAN Plus Three or APT) on Tuesday pledged to enhance cooperation in jointly fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and stabilizing and invigorating the regional economy.

In a joint statement of the special ASEAN Plus Three meeting on COVID-19, the 13 Asian countries agreed to pool more efforts to guarantee the health and safety of people and keep markets open and free in the region.

They committed to enhancing national and regional capacities to prepare for and respond to pandemics, including the protection of healthcare workers and other frontline personnel, and the provision of adequate medicines and medical supplies, the statement said.

It added that the countries will strengthen scientific cooperation in epidemiological research, as well as actively share and leverage on digital technologies and innovation to promote a science-based response to combat COVID-19.

Meanwhile, they said they will intensify efforts to keep markets open for trade and investment, and enhance cooperation among ASEAN Plus Three countries with a view to ensuring food security, and strengthening the resiliency and sustainability of regional supply chains.