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欧美文化:Israeli army burns Rafah crossing's departure hall: sources


GAZA, June 17 (Xinhua) -- The Israeli army on Monday burned down the departure hall on the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing, rendering it out of service, Palestinian security sources said.

Video clips circulated by Palestinian activists on Facebook showed the departure lounge and other facilities at the crossing were completely burnt.

The Israel Defense Forces told Xinhua they are reviewing the matter, without elaborating further. The Palestinian side of the crossing between Gaza and Egypt has been under Israeli control since May 7.

In a statement, Hamas described the burning of the departure building and other facilities inside Rafah crossing as a "criminal act and barbaric behavior within the framework of a continuing genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza."

The statement considered this behavior a "clear war crime, warranting broad international condemnation."

Fatah official Munther Al-Hayek condemned the Israeli army's move in a release, saying that "the burning of the reception and departure building at Rafah crossing is clear evidence of the occupation's intention to isolate the sector from the outside world and maintain full security control over it."

Israel has been waging a large-scale offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip to retaliate against a Hamas rampage through the southern Israeli border on Oct. 7, 2023, during which about 1,200 people were killed and more than 200 taken hostage.