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经济金融术语汉英对照表 Y-Z

养老基金 pension fund  
一刀切 universal application;non-discretionary implementation  
一级市场 primary market  
应收未收利息 overdue interest  
银行网点 banking outlets  
赢利能力 profitability  
营业税 business tax  
硬贷款(商业贷款) commercial loans  
用地审批 to grant land use right  
有管理的浮动汇率 managed floating exchange rate  
证券投资 portfolio investment  
游资(热钱) hot money  
有市场的产品 marketable products  
有效供给 effective supply  
诱发新一轮经济扩张 trigger a new round of economic expansion  
逾期贷款 overdue loans;past-due loans  
与国际惯例接轨 to become compatible with internationally accepted  
与国际市场接轨 to integrate with the world market  
预算外支出(收入) off-budget (extra-budgetary) expenditure(revenue)  
预调 pre-emptive adjustment  
月环比 on a month-on-month basis; on a monthly basis  

再贷款 central bank lending  
在国际金融机构储备头寸 reserve position in international financial institutions  
在人行存款 deposits at (with) the central bank  
在途资金 fund in float  
增加农业投入 to increase investment in agriculture  
增势减缓 deceleration of growth;moderation of growthmomentum  
增收节支措施 revenue-enhancing and expenditure con

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