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纽约时间9月13日星期日晚,2009年美国音乐录影带大奖(VMA)颁奖典礼在纽约Radio City音乐大厅举行,在提名中领跑的碧昂斯和Lady GaGa以及美国著名朋克乐团绿日各获得了三项大奖,并列成为本届VMA音乐奖中的大赢家。碧昂斯三个奖中分量最重的是年度最佳录影带奖,而绿日也摘取最佳摇滚录影带奖。去年VMA音乐奖的大赢家小甜甜布兰妮此次则凭借《Womanizer》摘得最佳流行录影带大奖。

Hi, I'm Lucrezia. It was all drama at the MTV Video Music Awards last night. Some of the biggest names in music turned up the event which paid special tribute to Michael Jackson. For the first time since MJ's death, Mrs. Jenny Jackson took the stage.

And Madonna made a speech in his honor. "Like a whole generation of kids has discovered his genius and are bringing him to life again. I hope that wherever Michael is right now, he is smiling about this.

Speaking after Awards included Lady Gaga and Green Day, when one of the most dramatic moments saw Kanye West stormed the stage during country singer Taylor Swift's acceptance speech of Best Female Video. The West thought Beyonce also nominated in that category should have won. "I'll let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time!"