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Gossip Girl服装设计师教你风格搭配


Gossip Girl 服装设计师 Eric Daman 从时尚的角度向我们讲述在最新的《绯闻女孩》第三季中,他是怎样设想和设计剧中各角色服饰,把不同的性格和情感变化以最直接的方式呈现出来。

Eric Daman
"Gossip Girl" Costume designer
"I'm really excited about Season 3, and where things are going, and the evolution of the characters, as well as the evolution of the costumes. And how the costumes are helping with the characters you love."

目标人物:SERENA Van Der Woodsen
任务状态:In a little bit of identity crisis

转变目的1:Season 2 → Season 3 : "I don't care"→"Party girl"
法宝1:Jeweled vest 镶宝石背心 + Slinky tank 紧身坦克背心

转变目的2:Serena → Pre-Serena
法宝2:an asymmetrical gown 不均匀礼服

转变目的3: Serena → Adult Serena
法宝3:the Serena-Bizazz Jacket S炫夹克 + silk pocket 黑色丝裙