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上周五(美国当地时间周四),百度CEO李彦宏作客《华尔街日报》科技栏目高级编辑朱丽亚·盎格文(Julia Angwin)的访谈节目,回答了读者对于百度搜索引擎、盗版音乐搜索的一系疑问,包括百度的远期目标以及在中国国内政府对互联网市场的影响。在非常简短的谈话中,李彦宏并没有对计划中的操作系统做过多的解释,但是我们可以想象,百度如果推出操作系统的话,必将整合更多百度的服务,同时可能又将会是百度用来赚钱的一个工具。


Despite being "one of the hottest topics" on the world wide web this year, but that didn't stop China's largest search engine - Baidu, from developing an OS similar to Google Chrome OS. According to Wall Street Journal's interview with Robin Li, CEO of the NASDAQ-listed company, Baidu plans to penetrate into the OS market by building an OS to suit the growing netbook market. He said that it is currently in development.Here are some predictions of what Baidu will do for its OS:

1、增值网络服务 ChromeOS虽然是一个非常不错的主义,但就如同谷歌本身一样没有一个成熟的商业模式。与谷歌相比,百度在中国市场有非常好的企业运作经验,比如著名的百度竞价排名系统。所以,百度如果推出操作系统,也可能通过一系列的方法向用户收费,如给用户提供一些增值服务的方法,就像腾讯一样为一些定制的东西收费、或者提供额外的收费存储空间等等。

Feature 1: Value-Added Online Services

The original ideas of Chrome OS are quite good, but the missing point is obvious. Just like Google itself, Chrome OS does not have a mature business model. Unlike Google, Baidu is ready for businesses since it operates its online marketing service (paid search) through a P4P (Pay for Performance) platform. I think in Baidu's OS, the Chinese search engine leader will release a set of services that will charge users.

This isn't like any typical premium services. It's something that suits the Chinese market (or all developing country markets), Baidu will do something like Tencent, such as charging for customized stuff, extra storage, etc.


Feature 2: Combination with Social Web

Baidu entered almost all Internet eras, except for the social web. How can the search engine giant miss such a popular market! This might caused by poor management in planning or some other reasons. But anyway, Baidu's OS is a good chance for catching up with the trends.

Currently, Chinese people are getting stickier to social networking websites, such as Kaixin001.com and RenRen.com. These websites have gained lots of traffic from white-collar workers and students respectively. Giant news portals such as Sina and Sohu failed in social web, and in contrast, Tencent is obviously the clear winner of social client computing because of QQ - the most famous IM in China. Baidu never wants to lose in the social web competition, so most likely Baidu's OS will be an important tool for Baidu to win.

3、框计算客户端 几个星期之前百度宣布了"框计算"概念与Google主导的"云计算"分庭抗礼,和云计算强调后台资源整合的概念不同,框计算完全基于应用。李彦宏表示,百度推出的"框计算"是要把所有用户的需求无论是在找信息,还是要求各种各样的应用,还是有什么其他的需求,都集成到一个框里,用一个框来满足用户的需求。用户想要做什么,在框里输入就会得到结果,其他什么也不需要想。那么我们可以想象,如果百度推出操作系统,一定会集成"框计算"客户端,给人们带来更加方便的互联网体验。

Feature 3: Box Computing Client

A few weeks ago, Baidu released its own concept called Box Computing. Different from Cloud Computing, it's no longer Architecture-based, but it's Application-based. Box Computing provides only a text field for users, but with the strong apps behind, the servers will compute and return the best results based on user's criteria instantaneously.

Box Computing is the new generation of search engine technology, and it makes use of the simplicity of search engine but to emerge various applications behind it. It's something similar to WolframAlpha, but more common and social. We can easily imagine that Baidu's OS will become the entrance to such a wonderful computing world.
