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blast furnace:炼钢炉
blast furnace is a type of metallurgical furnace used for smelting to produce industrial metals, generally iron.


I'm Eunice Yoon in Hong Kong.

Steel, it's using everything from skyscrapers to cars. It's foundamental to every working economy. So I thought I'd show you, how it's made.

Iron is the key component in making steel. It's extracted from iron ore. The ore is heated in a blast furnace, together with various chemicals. And the results is a raw version of steel which is fashioned into rods called pellets.

These are pellets. This is the starting point. This is Hong Kong Steel Mill each one with two times. The pellet is brought here to the furnace where they are heated up to a thousand degree celsius so that they become more valuable and moded into any shape.

The bars go through these rollers. And as you can see, they get narrower and narrower. The finished ones that they made here are ten millimeters in diameter.

By this time, the bars are cooled down. They've been sprayed with water, a hard casing was formed on the bar to make it strong. But they are still 600 hundred degrees, pulled down even further and laid down on this platform.

These are reinforcement bars, the kiameter used to build highways and bridges. Each one is cut into a 12-meter long piece which is an industry standard. These steel can turn out eleven thousand of these bars every hour.

The bars are bundled and stored for 3 to 6 months before they're shipped up to construction sites all over the world.