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人类与宗教的关系相当的漫长,从蛮荒时代到现代社会的,宗教的影响一直遍及人类社会生活的方方面面。以科学理性精神而闻名,同时也不失激情和创意的 BBC(英国广播公司)精心制作了5个系列的宗教题材记录片,期待给您一个新的视角来了解宗教,探索人类这边古老而又年轻的精神世界。


《圣经奥秘》将带领您们回到2000多年前的,解开圣经中的9个最大疑团。其余故事还包括启示录预言世界末日之谜,十二门徒代替耶稣传教的成功原因,盘石彼得(伯多禄) 成为早期教会领袖的事迹,乔舒亚和耶利哥战役故事的真确性等等。

the book of Revelation启示书
Chernobyl n. 切尔诺贝利, 苏联乌克兰北部 的城市 (1986 年核反应事件的发生地);
John's Gospel约翰福音=the Gospel of John
the testimony of Jesus耶稣的见证
the Greek word ' martus'=martyr烈士,殉道者
Emperor Nero古罗马的暴君尼禄大帝
Emperor Domitian古罗马多米田帝王。又称杜米惕安大帝


This is the story of a unique and terrifying book. You have beasts, the devil at work.
Its visions having inspired and scared for 2,000years, many see the pages of the Book Revelation an uncanny series of predictions: global warming, the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, war in the Middle east. There is no more perfect background in the world than this. Some believe the book is a guide to one of the greatest riddles of all, the date for the end of the world.

Can the Book of Revelation hold such a secret? New evidence has revealed that the key to the mystery of last book in the Bible lies in the dust of modern-day Turkey and that the infamous number of the Beast may not be 666 after all.

To understand Revelation we need to know who wrote it and where.

Approximately 60 years after the death of Jesus, a collection of scrolls was delivered to the small Christian community in Ephesus in Asia Minor modern-day Turkey.

The scrolls contained what is now known as ‘The Book of Revelation'. The authors name was in the book---John. Tradition says that is the disciple John, the fisherman son of Zebedee, the writer of John's Gospel who looked after Mary-Jesus' mother, after her son's crucifixion. Yet in Revelation John never describes himself as a disciple of Jesus nor writes have ever knew him. Now, new scientific methods can help resolve the question of who the author really was.