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Step 1: Don't let kids eat until back home

Ask your kids not to eat any candy they receive until they get home. Let them take along some candy from home, so they won't be tempted to dig in.

TIP: Consider alternatives to walking door-to-door-many malls, town halls, businesses, and schools give out Halloween candy so kids don't have to knock on strangers' doors.

Step 2: Throw out anything not in original wrapper

When your kids get home, immediately throw out anything that isn't in its original sealed wrapper.

Step 3: Inspect remaining treats

Inspect the remaining treats. If you see any tears, puncture holes, or loose wrappers, don't take chances-just throw them away.

Step 4: Throw out homemade treats

Inspect fruit carefully.

TIP: Homemade treats should be thrown out unless you know the person who baked them.

Step 5: X-ray candy or replace

If you're still worried, you can ask your local hospital or care center if they X-ray candy on Halloween night... or go the much easier route: just toss it and replace it with candy you've bought yourself!