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Yeoh has turned her attention to producing as well as acting and found it a challenging experience.

"As an actor you would be judged on how your performance is and so that's where your focus is. It's a very selfish environment and that sense, because as you know, you can't make excuses afterwards. But as a producer, you have to make sure everyone is well protected and everyone is safe. And if anything goes wrong, it's all on your shoulders," she told cnn.

The films she produced, 2002's "The Touch" and "Sliver Hawk" from 2004 were panned by critics, but she makes no excuses: "That's the nature of the business. You should never take these things personally when it works or doesn't work."

And when it comes to passing on what she's learned to young Asian actors, her advice is typically practical.

"For any Asian face, or any Asian girls that have dreams, aspirations or doing crossover work in Hollywood, you must have the language. These are your tools. And then afterwards, the right face, the right demeanor, and the right chemistry."