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澳门回归10周年 再唱《七子之歌》


Well, ten years ago, also at the Ruins of St. Paul's Cathedral, a little young girl, nine years old, she sang a special song and that made her well-known all over China over night. She sang that song to celebrate Macao's return to China. And ten years later, this young little girl has already become a beautiful young lady, and she is still busy singing that special song about Macao especially on the eve of the tenth anniversary of Macao's return to China. Reported Xuxiaojuan, conducted with her in one of those performances. 

" Do you know that Macao is not my true name, what a long time since I was separated from my mother. "

Ten years ago, Iong Wan Lam's rendition of Qizizhige was so popular that almost everyone could hum it. But Iong told us she wasn't chosen for her singing technique, but rather, her Macao accent.

" I had never been trained to sing, and wasn't even able to speak standard Chinese. But those who sang much better than I did were all rejected. The directors of the Gala were so sure that this was the real Macao flavor and people would like it. "

Ten years ago, Iong's voice was tender and innocent. But she wasn't really singing alone. She had a powerful back up, which became a support for all of Macao.

Over the past decade, Macao and its people have achieved significant development. Macao has emerged from more than one economic downturn to now have the highest economic growth in Asia. Society is also stable and peaceful. Iong appreciates these two advantages. That's why she always says yes to public benefit performances like this.

" I know I am drawing public attention. But I like a peaceful life. I'm studying business administration. I don't intend to become a star. "

Iong's mother always goes along to keep an eye on her. This allows the girl to concentrate all her attention on her work. She gets along well with the rest of the cast and crew.

" From the time I chose her, I have been witnessing her growth, along with the growth of Macao. "

" When I sang the song ten years ago, I didn't understand what it meant. but now it's different. The song has taught me many things, and let me know how to treasure the happy life today. "

Ten years ago, Iong became famous for her impressive performance at the celebration. Since that time, her standard Chinese has noticeably been improved, though the Macao accent still remains. But she says, even more important than start, the song has helped her become more mature than others of the same age. She says, she better understands the ties of affection and the close connection between Macao and her motherland.

It's always amazing to see how life changes during a period of ten years.