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1. Dec. 4th, 2002 Kelly Clarkson wins American Idol

2002年12月4日,Kelly Clarkson获得第一季美国偶像冠军

It was one of the biggest TV events. It was the first time everybody come together to watch the winner of American Idol. Every was talking about her. And it was the first season. Kelly has been the first winner of AI and she's been super successful ever since.


2. Mar. 23rd, 2003 Adrien Brody kisses Halle Berry at Oscars

2003年3月23日,Adrien Brody在奥斯卡颁奖晚会上吻Halle Berry

This really moved people. The Oscars could be such a boring show. And this was one of those moments that made you just jump out of your seat and wake up.


3. May. 6th, 2004 Ross and Rachel get back together on Friends


It was one of the biggest "will they, won't they, they broke up, they back up together". What's going to happen with Ross and Rachel? That is a couple that everybody wanted to see end up together. Friends is definitely a defining show for a generation. There's certain generation who watch every episode of Friends and can tell you everything that every happened and they were really pulling for them to get together.


4. Aug. 17th, 2008 Michael Phelps wins eight gold medals


5. Oct. 18th, 2008 Tine Fey as Sarah Palin meets Sarah Palin

2008年10月18日,Tine Fey模仿Sarah Palin

That was something that really get everybody talking. It happened on Saturday Night Live. Alec Baldwin sees Tine Fey and Sarah Palin and doesn't know which's which, because Tine Fey did such an excellent job of imitating Sarah Palin. Last year everybody was talking about Tine Fey, Sarah Palin. It was on everybody's mind.

不得不说,Tine Fey真的是电视界的奇才。她模仿Sarah Palin可以说足以以假乱真了,相信这一时刻会是今后很多年人们津津乐道的趣谈。

6. Nov. 4th, 2008 Barack Obama elected as president


Whether you voted for him or not, you heard people saying this is the moment that really move me. The first black president, that's incredible. People really didn't think that's going to happen. Then it did. So even if the 50% of the country didn't vote for him, we still wanted to watch the moment.


7. Sep. 11th, 2001 World Trade Center, Pentagon attacked


That is the worst moment of the decade. It's hard to put anything else on the list after 911. It's something that people watched on live television. And you could never forget it.
