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时尚界的传奇人物:Karl Lagerfeld


Talk Asia show with Karl Lagerfeld 

2009年12月3日,Chanel"巴黎-上海"高级手工坊系列发布会于黄埔江畔的黄浦公园盛大举行。本次盛典最大的看点就是Chanel艺术总监 Karl Lagerfeld首度现身上海,同时以好莱坞影星Vanessa Paradis和Chanel全球形象大使Anna Mouglalis领衔的超过八百位时尚界名流纷至沓来,其中包括演艺明星周迅、刘嘉玲、徐静蕾,文化名人陈鲁豫、曾子墨以及设计精英叶明子和万宝宝等皆应邀而至。

当晚,在上海浦东璀璨绮丽的夜景下,由Karl Lagerfeld亲自执掌的电影"巴黎上海幻想曲"为时装秀拉开序幕,稍后,来自全球的超过三十名顶尖名模--包涵中国超模杜鹃、秦舒培、裴蓓、孙菲菲、周斌,国际名模Jessica Stam及当红男模Baptiste Giabiconi,接续踏上一道设于黄埔江畔驳船之上的八十五米长T台,优雅展现了"巴黎-上海"高级手工坊系列的法式奢华意象。此次,Karl Lagerfeld将一个中西合璧的时装盛事带到上海,将香奈儿女士的中国梦化为现实。

cnn的Talk Asia节目组走进Karl Lagerfeld,对他进行访谈,且听老佛爷谈时尚、谈人生。

He is perhaps the most recognizable man in fashion, almost never seen without his dark glasses, a silver ponytail and fingerless gloves.


And while the German-born fashion designer has been the creative force behind fashion house Chanel for more than a quarter of a century, he's still thriving on new ideas, designs and what the future may hold.


"I don't look back... Life is not something made by order, we have to fit in the pattern of what life is all about now, and I'm a person who fits easily into this kind of situation because I like change," he told cnn in Shanghai.


"My job is to put in people's brain the idea what Chanel was all about, even if it was not about such a large choice of things... I pushed [Coco Chanel's] symbol, like the change of pearls, in a way much more than she did herself. I could play with everything and mix it with everything that's going on in fashion because fashion is about that. It's not retrospective, it has to be something you want to wear now," he said.


As for the notoriously harsh world of fashion, Lagerfeld sees it merely as a reflection of the way the world works.


"This is a world with no pity or that you can complain, 'I couldn't do it because things are against me.' No, things are against nobody, if you have something to offer, or if you can be something," he said.


"If you want to be successful in the fashion world, as well as the movie world and music world, it's something else that you need, but you cannot decide that you have it. It's up to you to sew it, but it's up to the others to use it. In a way it's the worst of worlds, but if you made in the world, it's beyond pleasant."
