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"It's very clear what I've done so far, and that is--nothing."

What the difference a year makes?

"H" used to be for hope, now it's for health care.


Let's make a deal. The left isn't happy; the right isn't happy; the governator isn't happy.

And of course, "H" is now for Haiti.

"You will not be forsaken. You will not be forgotten."

Yet another task for the president.

"C" used to be for change. Now it's for critics.

"Ben Jones is the tip of the iceberg."

"The president has an agenda that is radical......"

More troops

"......additional 30,000 US troops to Afghanistan."

More terror.

"We are at war against Al-Qaeda."

More Cheney.

"The White House must stop dithering."

And watch out for those town halls and tea parties.

Jimmy Carter says it's racism.