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The death toll from the massive earthquake which struck Chile early Saturday is 214 and still rising. The 8 point 8 magnitude quake was the worst to hit the country in decades.

The epicenter of the earthquake was located about 100 kilometers north of Chile's second largest city-Concepcion.

Many roads were destroyed. Electricity, water and telecommunications were cut off in many areas.

Chile's President called on people to remain calm, and promised all departments are working hard to cope with the aftermath of the devastating earthquake.

Michelle Bachelet, Chile's President, said, "People here have been working and resolving problems. The problems relate to basic services, including communication disruption. There is no light, no water and there is little petrol. People are working as hard as they can. And there is another problem with hospitals - many have been seriously affected."

In the Chilean capital of Santiago, modern buildings withstood the earthquake, but many older ones were damaged severely.

Santiago's airport will remain closed for at least 24 hours because of major damage to the passenger terminal.

In Talca, 105 kilometers from the epicenter, most of the historic buildings there were destroyed by the quake.