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米歇尔 奥巴马捐赠就职礼服


So, here we are. It's the dress. And I have to say to be honest I am very honored and very humbled, but I have to say that I'm also a little embarrassed by all the fuss being made over my dress. Like many of you, I'm not used to people wanting to put things I've worn on display. So all this is a little odd. So forgive me. But at the same time, I truely recognized the significance of this day. This gown and all of the items that will see in this wonderful exhibit help us connect with a moment in history in a very real way. When I look at my gown which I in fact have not seen since the day that I took it off, memories of that moment truely come rushing back. I remember that it was freezing cold in Washington. I know you all remember that. Yet, despite the frigid temperatures, hundreds of thousands of people flooded the Mall. Nothing was gonna stop them from being part of history. But I'll never forget the moment that I slipped on this beautiful gown. I remember how just luscious I felt as the President and I were announced onto the stage for the first of many dances. And I'll cherish that moment for the rest of my life. And now the crowds are gone, and the Mall's silent, and our family has settled into our new home, the White House. This gown is one of the most tangible things I have left to remember that day. And that's why it will always hold a special place in my heart and one of the people who made that day possible is the creator of this beautiful gown, Jason Wu, a young man who not so long ago was just an inspiring designer like many of the students here. And Jason's dress, as you can see, this gown is a masterpiece. It is simple. It's elegant and it comes from this brilliant young mind, someone who's living the American dream.

There's no doubt that designing the First Lady's inaugural gown has been the single greatest personal and professional accomplishment in my life so far. What an honor! Over the past year and a half, many people have asked me what I felt like when I first learn the First Lady had chosen to wear my gown to the inauguration. Frankly I had no idea my design was being seriously considered until I along with the rest of the world saw Mrs. Obama stepped out on television. Imagine my surprise, not only to win this in the history in the making, but to actually be a part of this incredible moment. Many people also asked me about the inspiration for the gown, what was going through my mind, what was the meaning behind the design. The truth is I was simply inspired by the moment. I was inspired by Mrs. Obama's voice, her grace and her intelligence. I was inspired by the overwhelming optimism she and President Obama represents. I was inspired by the fact that I was able to come to the United States to realize my dreams.


frigid: very cold 寒冷的;严寒的

The National Mall: 国家广场是位于美国首都华盛顿特区的一处开放型国家公园。该广场由数片绿地组成,一直从林肯纪念堂延伸到国会大厦,这里美国国家庆典和仪式的首选,同时也是美国历史上重大示威游行、民权演说的重要场地。