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姚明:恢复良好 盼与热火交手


The NBA's new season starts in October, and Yao Ming says he will be ready. The Houston Rockets center told CCTV News about his rehabilitation from last-season's injury. He also talked about the formation of the new Miami Heat superteam.


Yao said, "The daily training is gradually putting on more intensity now. Besides the rehabilitation exercises and function recovery exercises, we've already taken on very systematic physical training and basketball exercise. As for fitness, I feel quite good, but a total recovery cannot be achieved overnight. I will need long-lasting patience. There can be some days that your body doesn't feel right, while on other days, you are feeling OK. So I need patience, as I said, to balance myself psychologically and face the gap between good and not-so-good conditions now and then."

MVP LeBron James finally decided to join Chris Bosh and Dwayne Wade to form a new superstar trio for the Heat in Miami. Yao says he can't wait to see how well the combination will work out.

上赛季NBA最有价值球员勒布朗詹姆斯最终决定联手克里斯波什、德维恩韦德,在迈阿密热队打造新的三巨头。姚明称,他已迫不及待地想看看这个组合到底怎样。He said, "I think they are the best in their generation of payers that few of their peers could surpass. However, I will find it interesting to see how well they play together. They each make up the backbone for the team, and are supposed to take up a lot of time on the court...but I believe they are aiming for one goal, and that is the championship. So they will make the necessary individual adjustments."

Yao expects a promising new campaign, but everyone else in the league is also looking ahead to a great season. They all hold the same dream: to become NBA champions.
