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气候变化国际谈判天津重启 中国承办体现诚意



A new round of UN climate talks opened in north China's Tianjin Municipality. The forum is expected to pave the way for the year-end Cancun Climate Change Conference in Mexico.

About Three-thousand delegates from across the globe are attending the meeting which runs from October 4th to 9th. It is the first time China has hosted such negotiations. The goal is for countries to narrow their differences and reach an agreement on a negotiating text to be submitted to Cancun.

But many see thorny issues ahead, including the refusal by the US to return to the Kyoto Protocol. Strong pressure on major developing countries, and difficulties in transferring technology and funds will also be a focus of negotiations.

Cai Bingguo, State Concilor of China, said, "We must continue with the goals of 'common but differentiated responsibilities'. We need to confirm developed nations will meet their emission reduction targets, and clearly give developing nations financing, technological help and planning, and help developing nations to adapt to a new and low emission system."

Christiana Figueres of Executives Secretary of UNFCCC, said, "If you want a tangible outcome in December, now is the time to clarify what could constitute an achievable and politically balanced package for Cancun, and what could be subject to further work after Cancun."