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朝鲜重启核反应堆 中美回应


China has urged the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to safeguard stability in the Korean Peninsula. This comes following reports that the country has restarted its nuclear program. The US State Department has also urged the country to avoid actions that could raise tensions in the region.

Well, you know, we had just begun to see signs of an ease in the tensions on the Korean peninsula, after the two nations agreed to hold reunions next month for families separated by the Korean war.

But for context - let's remember that these statements come just as the DPRK prepares to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the ruling Worker's Party, and after the largest live fire drills between the US and the Republic of Korea.

The top DPRK atomic official says the plutonium and highly enriched uranium facilities at Nyongbang have been rearranged, changed or readjusted and have started quote: "normal operations."

Pyongyang is also saying it will soon launch a rocket-carried satellite into space. That's fueling speculation that the DPRK will soon launch a Long-range rocket or a ballistic missile. Bejing is worried.

"China is consistent and clear about its commitment to realizing denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, maintaining peace and stability of the Peninsula and resolving relevant issue through dialogue and consultation. We hope relevant party would do more to uphold peace and stability of the Peninsular and the region under the given circumstance," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei.

South Korean Defense officials say they have NOT detected any sign of an imminent North Korean rocket launch.

An Obama administration spokesperson says a nuclear North Korea is unacceptable.

"The position of the US and this is one that's shared by countries around the world, including significant players in the region that we will not accept North Korea as a nuclear state and that's why we encourage North Korea to refrain from actions and rhetoric that threaten peace and security," said White House press secretary Josh Earnest.

American analysts believe Pyongyang's statements are designed to push for talks with the US that could ease the harsh economic sanctions -- already in place.

There's an open question as to whether any of the parties in the region will go to the UN Security Council to ask for penalties against Pyongyang.

So far, the UN isn't commenting.