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2010世界小姐总决赛10月30日在中国三亚美丽之冠举行。几经角逐,来自美国的年仅18岁的Alexandria Mills最终登上第60届世界小姐宝座。来自博茨瓦纳的年仅19岁的Emma Wareus和来自委内瑞拉年仅22岁的阿德里安娜分获第二、三名。中国选手唐潇进入前五名。

The newest Miss World is from the United States.

Alexandria Mills, a soft-spoken 18-year-old, was named the winner in Saturday night's contest in southern China.

The tall blonde was a surprise winner after speculation focused on other contestants.

Second place went to Emma Wareus of Botswana, and Adriana Vasini of Venezuela came third.

The host country's own contestant, Tang Xiao, and Ireland's Emma Waldron were among the final five.

Women from more than 100 countries participated in the contest, organizers said.

This is the 60th year of the Miss World Competition, and organizers brought back contestants from past decades to give the night a retrospective theme.