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2011春晚彩排火热进行 只为呈现最美画卷



Thousands of artists are rehearsing for the spectacular show on the Eve of the Lunar New Year. Many of them are repeat performers, but not well remembered. Nevertheless, they say they still enjoy the work. CCTV reporter Xu Zhaoqun spoke to a few participants.

Turson and Ayerer are the captains of the men and women's dance teams from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. They are also two of the best on the team.

Unfortunately this is just a performance with basic dancing skills. The two dancers are not positioned at the front because they are taller than others.

Rurson said , "Two minutes on stage. That's even better. Last year, I had just about 30 seconds."

There are no special change rooms for performers. The old CCTV building looks very crowded as hundreds get dressed.

Turson said, "Very few people have the chance. You'd better not be expecting money if you want to do this."

Ayerer doesn't mind being paid what organizers can provide. The only thing she cares about is how to make herself look more beautiful.

Mayerer said, "My parents told me no matter where I am, I have to show others how good I can be."

The gala will start at 8 pm next Wednesday. Their performance is around eight thirty. That means they can leave before nine and enjoy the rest of the gala on TV, instead of waiting nervously backstage.