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Each year it gets harder for Chinese students to go abroad and study at top academic institutions. Despite the difficulties faced in securing a place at university, many are still enthusiastic about planning and applying overseas.

Learning a foreign language is the first step for study overseas. In a language training center in Nanning city, students study English. However, with people's widening horizon and differing interests, English is not the only choice.

Zhang Jie, training center in Guangxi, said, Most of students learn from the basic level. We have English, Japanese, Thai and Vietnamese classes.

Many students believe a place abroad at a university will help in future employment, so people are willing to spend a large amount of time and money securing a place.

A student said, I think I can have a better education abroad. Many of my friend do, all their skills were enhanced during their overseas study.

A growing number of young people are now heading abroad. Students in high school occupied nearly 20 percent of total number taking flight.

Li Lan, Shi Jiqiao International Education, said, The changes are obvious. Only third grade high school students wanted to go abroad before. Now, the first and second grade student are also preparing for study overseas.

Last year, according to the Ministry of Education, 1.4 million high school graduates quit college entrance exams. More than 20 percent of these people did so because they want to move abroad. It's a number that looks set to grow as more upwardly social students invest hard earned cash, in their futures.