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A Brevard County man got in a shootout with a SWAT robot while wearing nothing but his birthday suit. Authorities said a man with several guns was suicidal and threatening authorities. "He said he'd shoot anyone he could," said Lt. Bruce Barnett with the Brevard County Sheriff's Office. Instead of risking any lives, deputies sent the $65,000 robot into the home. The robot has cameras, which record all of its actions.


The video shows the robot searching each room, its electronic eye roving from side to side while officers watch safely from a command post. As the robot slowly pushed the man's bedroom door open, the man came out, stark naked, and tried to damage the robot with his hands. Next, he emerged again from the room with an AK-47 rifle and started shooting at the robot. The camera goes out at first, and then comes back on. The robot came away with bullet holes, frayed wires and broken cables, but no one was hurt. "It saved a life," said Barnett. The man was charged with criminal mischief. The robot will be out of commission for awhile. It's being sent back to its manufacturer for repairs.

机器人进了房子,电子眼转来转去,而警察们操着遥控器躲得远远的。结果当它轻轻推开男子的房门时——砰的一声,一个裸男跑出来狂打机器人。随后他发现单用打的干不爆这个机械怪物,于是他去装备了他心爱的AK47,然后开枪干爆了这个可怜的机器人。警察们表示很高兴,如果不是这个机器人的话,他们中的一个或几个估计都得躺着出来了。而这名裸男则被以刑事犯罪的罪名逮捕。顺带一提,机器人被送去返修了(那机器人一定在处理器里高喊:“1000110 1001101 1001100 100001”)。
