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More than 170-thousand visitors have come to the World Horticultural Expo Park in Xi'an during its three trial openings since April 20th. The tourists have put to the test the park's security, volunteering and catering services and relevant facilities. The park is now undergoing final checks prior to Thursday's official opening.

Following Monday's massive turnout of 80-thousand visitors, the horticultural expo park has resumed a temporary air of serenity. The park has been closed over the last two days, as final preparations are made ahead of Thursday's grand opening.

The Nature Pavilion is one of the four landmarks inside the park. It showcases different fauna and flora from tropical to desert terrain. Here workers are fine tuning the different landscapes.

Ren Shuwa, Engineer of Nature Pavilion said "After the three trial openings, we found there were signs of water seeping onto the ground, and some plants were leaning to one side. Cracks have also been found. We've spend the last few days carrying out minor repairs. "
自然馆的设计师Ren Shuwa说:“3次试验开幕后,我们发现地面有渗水迹象,而且有些植物偏向一边。还发现了裂缝。我们利用最后几天进行小型维修。”

In this lull before the onset of thousands, sporadic visitors are dotted about, sitting down, enjoying the early summer breeze, and posing for photographs.

"The park's well planned and constructed. But I don't see many battery cars. Without convenient transportation, it will be very exhaustive walking here."

"I think this park resembles the world expo to some extent, thought at a much smaller scale."

Elsewhere in the park, workers are watering and pruning the plants, in the countdown to the opening. They're among the over twenty thousand staff members who will take their turn getting their hands dirty over the course of the Expo. In addition, 130 thousand members of the armed forces and public security will be on hand to ensure public safety throughout the 178 days.