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Hello Kitty为日本筹款赈灾


Hello Kitty, Japan's iconic cat character, glitters and gleams in Tokyo after being reborn in Swarovski crystals for a good cause -- raising money for disaster relief.
日本标志性猫,Hello Kitty,在施华洛世奇水晶得到重生后,在东京闪闪发光,它的这次重生有一个美好的原因——筹钱赈灾。

On display in a showroom in Tokyo are versions of the famous feline in everything from tiny earrings to melon-sized figurines.

The centerpiece of the project, is a 20 centimeter limited edition figurine picked out in nearly 20,000 crystals -- and carrying a price tag of nearly 15 thousand US Dollars.

Only 88 of the figurines will be available to fans around the world. Among the 30 different accessories available is a bag adorned with a large Hello Kitty logo and worth nearly 100 thousand US dollars.
仅对全世界的粉丝们限量销售88个小雕像。在30个不同的饰品中,展出的是一个带有Hello Kitty标记,价值差不多10万美元的包包。

Nine Hello Kitty figures designed by Japanese celebrities and artists will be exhibited and auctioned off, with proceeds going to the Japanese Red Cross to help the relief works of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.
九个由日本名人和艺术家设计的Hello Kitty雕像将被展出和拍卖出去,拍卖收入将捐给日本红十字会,以帮助3.11地震和海啸的救济工作。