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US President Barack Obama has convened with congressional leaders once again, in an effort to negotiate a budget compromise to raise the country's debt ceiling. He promised that the US will not breach its legal obligations.

This is the fourth round of negotiations with congressional leaders.

President Barack Obama says he's pushing for the largest possible reduction of country's 1.4 trillion US dollar deficit.

Pressure has increased on Republican lawmakers to make concessions to avoid an Aug. 2 debt default. Obama said both sides must pull off the Band-aid and make sacrifices.
不断增加的压力让共和党的议员们做出让步, 以避免8月2日债务违约。奥巴马表示,双方都必须做出牺牲,努力实现这个临时措施。

He said, "I'm prepared to take on significant heat from my party to get something done. And I expect the other side to be willing to do the same thing if they mean what they say, that this is important."

Obama wants a deal to reduce the deficit by 4 trillion US dollars over the next 10-years. But, top Republicans walked away from the idea on Saturday, in opposition to raising taxes.

The Treasury Department has warned it will run out of money to cover the country's bills if Congress does not raise the debt limit by Aug. 2.

Failure to act could push the United States back into recession, sending shock waves through global markets and threatening the dollar's reserve status.