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姚明退役仪式 能想到的荣誉他都得了


With Yao Ming, China's greatest basketball player, now officially in retirement, his contributions to the men's national basketball program have been remembered. The Chinese team, honouring Yao with a special ceremony here in Beijing earlier Monday.

Yao was handed two of the highest honours a Chinese athlete can receive as he was given gold medals marking his contributions to sport in China as well as his efforts with the Olympic team. Yao, was also named an honourary lifetime member of the Chinese national basketball team.

Chinese basketball legend, Yao Ming said, "I am so glad I can be here and glad that the national team held such a good awards ceremony for me. All those honours are like a celebration of my whole career."

The towering Chinese basketball legend made his decision to retire officially last Wednesday, after a series of injuries to his foot and ankle left it impossible for him to continue to compete. Yao however, is not saying goodbye to the world and will continue to work with his former CBA team, the Shanghai Sharks which he now owns.

He will also remain directly involved with his charitable organization, the Yao Foundation.