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医院药价将了 医生收入少了


Cheaper drug prices have always been a concern. Recently, local officials in East China's Jiangsu Province reduced the prices on more than 2-hundred kinds of non-prescription drugs. Although it is good news for patients, it's not the same for medical staff working in the country's rural areas, as they are facing the dilemma of less profit.

63-year-old Ji Fengyin works in a local rural hospital in Jiangsu Province. He used to earn more than 2-thousand yuan per month, mainly from selling medicine, but, not any more...
63岁的Ji Fengyin在江苏省一家地方农村医院工作。他过去每个月收入2000元以上,主要来源于销售药品,但是,不再…

Ji Fengyin said, "Take the antibiotics for example. In the past, we bought it at about two yuan, and sold at six. But now, we just sell them at the price we buy. That's why my income has been reduced."
Ji Fengyin表示:“拿抗生素作为例子。过去,我们的进货价是2元左右,卖出价是6元。但是,现在我们只能以进货价卖出去。这就是我的收入减少的原因。”

Doctor Ji is not only the person feeling the pinch. Another nurse and one assistant doctor work in the same hospital. They say part of their income comes from the registration fee.

Ji Fengyin said, "About 6-hundred patients came to our hospital this month, and our average salary is less than 9-hundred, almost one-third of the amount than before."
Ji Fengyin称:“这个月大约有600位病人来我们医院看病,我们的平均工资少于900元,几乎只有以前的三分之一金额。”

In the past, doctors' income consisted of three parts: subsidy from the government, registration fee and most importantly, the profits of selling medicine which makes up more than 60-percent of the total amount.

Now with the amount of income dropping sharply, many doctors are beginning to complain. Gu Wei, a doctor, said, "I just got 5-thousand yuan per year. Most of my colleges want to quit the job. Some of my friends can earn 20-thousand yuan, and my salary is just a quarter of theirs." To make matters worse, some doctors have to worry about their pensions.
现在,随着收入金额的急剧下降,很多医生开始抱怨。医生Gu Wei表示:“我的年收入只有5000元。我的很多同事都想辞工。我的一些朋友可以赚到两万元,而我的薪水只是他们的四分之一。”更糟糕的是,一些医生不得不为他们的退休金担忧。

Lu Lei said, "My mother is a doctor. She didn't have a pension after retirement. And up to now, I have not got insurance either. And I don't have enough money to buy commercial insurance."
Lu Lei称:“我的妈妈是医生。她退休之后没有退休金。到目前为止,我也还没有获得保险。我没有足够的钱钱去买商业保险。”

The reduced salaries are adding to doctors' work load as more patients are coming to see them since medicine is cheaper. How to make sure they can earn what they deserve remains an open question.