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《福布斯》亚洲版50强公司 中国占一半


Following the release of the 2011 China Rich List, Forbes Asia has published another much expected league table. The Asia's Fab 50 list is a compilation of the region's 50 best publicly traded companies.

China figures strongly, with half of the 50 places. 23 companies are from the Chinese mainland and one each from Hong Kong and Taiwan. No country has come close to that number since Forbes Asia started ranking the biggest and most profitable 50 companies in 2005. Forbes says for the first time, no Japanese company made it to the list, partly as a result of the March earthquake. That's in sharp contrast to six years ago when the country led the pack with 13 companies. The 50 companies were picked by an expert panel from a field of over a thousand. The list has been viewed by analysts as a window on the Asia-Pacific region's economic dynamism.