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In China, culture has been a key word throughout the millennia. And Henan Province in Central China is doing its part to keep up with the ongoing rejuvenation of the culture industry. Let's take a look at how the local government there has qietly built up a robust industry.

After 10 years in the animation business, Zhang Guoxiao, who works at the Henan National Animation Base in Zhengzhou's High-tech New Area, got a new job. Not only is he CEO of Xiaoyingtao Cartoon Company, but now he's also General Director of China's first periodical dedicated to the animation industry. Its first edition hit 200-thousand in circulation and brought in over 800-thousand yuan.

Zhang Guoxiao, CEO of Xiaoyingtao Cartoon, Co., said, "I can't imagine a private-run company, like us, can be directly involved in the construction and management of the industry's media. This was definitely impossible just a few years ago. We are all benefiting from the reformation of the cultural industry."

The Newspaper of Animation is a media company co-funded by state-owned Zhongyuan Media Group, Marketing Management Magazine and the privately-run Xiaoyingtao Cartoon Company. Not only did the paper integrate two systems - public and private - it also created a win-win situation for human resource deparments and those looking for jobs in the industry.
Newspaper of Animation是由国有的中原传媒公司、营销管理杂志和私营的小樱桃卡通公司联合创办的。该报纸不仅融合了两个系统——公有和私有——它还为人力资源部门和那些在这个行业找工作的人创造了一个双赢的环境。

As China's culture industry undergoes rejuvenation, cartoon companies are developing a comprehensive industry chain that supports cartoon production and distribution, builds a strong industrial base, and diversifies into the sale of animation by-products such as toys.

Yang Liping, director of Dept of Cultura, Henan Province, said, "We hope to boost the cultural industry by building up renowned companies. Large-scale and centralized industrial parks will raise the standard and increase the benefits."

Henan's provincial government is actively taking advantage of the local resources. Assisting with investment, project layout and industrial subsidies, the province has already established six culture industry parks and scores of other special economic zones that support the culture industry.