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President Hu Jintao has met with several leaders in Cannes ahead of the G20 meeting. These include leaders from the BRICS nations, as well as France and the International Monetary Fund.

Speaking with fellow BRICS members, President Hu Jintao said G20 countries should make a joint effort to promote economic development in a sustainable and balanced way. He said the international community should provide support and help to Europe’s struggling economy.

Leaders of the BRICS nations agreed to coordinate with each other, to promote the positive outcomes of the G20 meeting.

In a separate meeting with his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev, President Hu commented that the China-Russia strategic cooperative partnership has seen uNPRecedented development, since the signing of the China-Russia Treaty of Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation a decade ago.

He added that China was willing to deepen political support, and expand cooperation with Russia.

Medvedev said that whatever the situation, Russia would always abide by the terms of the Treaty.

During talks with his French counterpart, Nicolas Sarkozy, Hu Jintao pointed out that recent EU agreements on dealing with the debt crisis demonstrated its will and determination to resolve Europe’s debt problem. He expressed the wish that the implementation of new measures would help overcome the difficulties faced by Europe and stimulate the recovery and growth of the European economy.

The French president said his country is ready to strengthen coordination and cooperation with China and work with all parties to push for positive results at the summit.

Also in President Hu’s busy schedule was his Brazilian counterpart, Dilma Rousseff. Both leaders agreed that the two countries should strengthen policy coordination and strategic cooperation on the global stage in order to safeguard the interests and rights of developing countries.

The two presidents agreed that BRICS countries and other emerging market economies should strengthen coordination and cooperation, at a time when sovereign debt problems are troubling many developed countries, global inflation pressures are rising, and international financial markets are in a state of turbulence.

The global economy, reform of the international monetary system and the role of the IMF.

Those were the key topics discussed by Chinese President Hu Jintao and IMF managing director Christine Lagarde during their meeting in Cannes.

Hu Jintao said all parties should take measures to ensure the stable development of the economy, and prevent the economic crisis worsening. He called for relevant parties to continue reforms, and to stimulate global economic development in a sustainable and balanced way.

Lagarde thanked China for its support of the IMF. She said the global economy is facing new threats, and the international community should take effective measures to restore confidence in the market. Lagarde said developed economies in conjunction with the IMF should make more effort to support one another other.