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China Telecom and China Unicom are being investigated by authorities over allegedly abusing the monopoly they enjoy in the internet service market. The two companies could face penalties of 1 to 10 percent of 2010 internet services revenue, which would translate into billions of yuan - and more specifically, it would be for using their advantage to prevent smaller players from entering the market.

Li Qing, an official from China’s top economic planner says the authorities launched the investigation right after it got complaint from consumers. The investigation is to see whether China Telecom and China Unicom abuse their leading position in the market to prevent other companies from providing access to the Internet.

Li Qing said: "Now we know the two companies own two thirds of the market, meaning they can dominate it. Under this circumstance, they can offer different prices to different clients. That’s price discrimination."

Li also says, data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology indicates the two companies didn’t provide full services to their customers. That means users would have to pay more to get the full package.

Analysts say if there’s effective competition in the market, the nation’s cyber population could save as much as 30 percent in online fees. That would amount to more than 10 billion yuan, or about 1.6 billion US dollars.

Li Qing said: "If malpractice is found, their fine could be equivalent to 1 to 10 percent of their revenue last year. China Telecom’s turnover to providing Internet access was about 50 billion yuan, China Unicom’s similar business turnover was around 30 billion yuan."

The two companies have no comment so far.