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Nov. 20th marks the seventh UN World Day for Road Traffic Victims. Every year, millions of people are involved in car accidents; many don't survive. With the rate of alcohol-related fatalities increasing, police in Beijing are now doing spot checks on drivers to see if they are under the influence.

It should have been a relaxing Saturday night for Mr. Song. Four bottles of beer didn’t take him home, but to the police station. 156 milligrams of alcohol per 100 milliliters -- almost double the legal limit for driving. Mr. Song said, "I’m much more than regretful, that’s all I can say.”

Mr. Song didn’t want to call his family, as he didn’t want to face the fact that he might not be able to drive his daughter to school the next day or maybe for the next few months. Mr. Song said, "You can never never drive while you are drunk. "

Though it seems he has learnt his lesson, he may still have to face a prison sentence. After being breathalysed, Mr. Song has to undergo a blood test that will determine his fate. Depending on the results, he may have to spend between one and six months behind bars.

Every year, drink-driving claims many lives all over the world. In Beijing, some 200,000 cases have been reported over the past five years.

In response, the Chinese government has amended its Criminal Law, stipulating that all drink-driving constitutes a criminal offence. It came into effect on May 1st this year, and means that drivers caught under influence will be punished, even if they are not the cause of a road accident.

Hao Jingyu, deputy head of Beijing Traffic Management Bureau, said, "Ever since the newly amended Road Traffic Safety Law was issued, the number of drunk drivers have declined during the past months.The drivers are more cooperative than before.”

According to the current law, drivers who have at least 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood in their body are considered drunk. Through publicity campaigns, more drivers are becoming aware of the serious consequences of being drunk behind the wheel, but some think more needs to be done.

Mr. Zhang, a driver, said, "I think the punishment is never tough enough. I will never drive with alcohol and neither do my friends who drive. "

The law applies to everyone, as seen with the imprisonment of the famous Chinese singer, Gao Xiaosong. He was jailed for six months and fined for dangerous driving after crashing his car while drunk, causing a four-vehicle pile-up.

The message is simple. Why drink-drive when it is easy to take a cab or ask someone for help?